Estonia to join a response force against cyberattacks

Estonia is to join a rapid response force to counter cyberattacks together with eight other European Union nations.

The Lithuanian defence minister, Raimundas Karoblis, told the AFP news agency that nine EU nations had agreed to join the rapid cyber defence force. The countries joining are Estonia, Lithuania, Croatia, the Netherlands, Romania, Finland, France, Poland and Spain.

According to Karoblis, the goal of the defence force is to create rotational EU cyber response teams, the AFP reported.

These teams will be ready to help the national authorities to tackle cyberattacks. The teams will operate on a rotational basis, the schedule for the rotation will be approved in 2019.

Karoblis told the AFP that he expected the European Union to allocate funds for software and other equipment.

Estonia, Croatia, Lithuania, the Netherlands and Romania will sign the agreement to form the force in Luxembourg on 25 June; France, Spain, Poland and Finland will join by the end of this year.


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