An Estonian company has invented a wearable ultra-violet air purifier that, it claims, disinfects air without one needed to wear a face covering.
“Our patent-pending UV-C module breaks down and inactivates the DNA and RNA of harmful viruses, and blows 99% of purified air to the front of your face,” Respiray – that’s the company’s name – says on its website.
“Respiray uses the highest quality 265nm UV-C LEDs that do not create ozone. We purify up to 55 litres of air per minute — up to 4x more than an average resting human breathes.”
The company says its wearable air purifier has an eight-hour battery live “that protects you all day long”. “And the best part? You won’t notice the invisible UV light that safeguards you while you enjoy being mask free.”
Currently available for pre-order
According to the company, its air purifier is “perfectly suited for those in public-facing environments where communication and facial expressions are a key part of the role: teachers, retail and office workers, and other front-line staff”.

The air purifier is currently available for pre-order. It’s full price, according to the company, is €279 ($340), but it’s currently available for the early-bird price of €229 ($279). The pre-order price ends on 31 March.
The company says its mission is to “transform the way we fight against harmful viruses and bacteria by using cutting-edge UV technology. We’re focused on developing innovative and sustainable products that help to protect people’s health.”
“The COVID-19 pandemic has shown us the devastating consequences of respiratory viruses. At Respiray, we’re transforming the way we fight against harmful bacteria and viruses. Our wearable air purifier uses UV-C technology to disinfect the air we breathe in – providing protection without the need to cover our faces,” Indrek Neivelt, the CEO of Respiray and formerly a well-known banker in Estonia, asserts on the company’s website.
The company claims 99% effectiveness
“Vaccines are beginning to have a huge impact against the current pandemic, but this and future viruses will not just disappear. That’s why it’s crucial we have additional solutions to protect ourselves and those around us,” he adds.

Respiray was born in early 2020 when the COVID-19 pandemic struck. “It was clear that front-line workers across the globe lacked sufficient personal protective equipment. And the PPE they did have at their disposal was mainly single-use surgical masks which are typically uncomfortable, awkward to breathe through and unsustainable. These challenges led us to develop ways to fight viruses and protect our health,” the company says.
It adds that the idea of the UV air purifier started with the company’s engineer who believed the ordinary face mask could be upgraded for the 21st century by using UV technology. “After all, UV light has been used as a disinfectant for decades, but has never been incorporated into wearable devices.”
“The Respiray wearable air purifier features innovative UV-C disinfection technology that has been proven to inactivate deadly viruses and bacteria. Our solution provides long-term protection without side effects and people can talk and smile freely again. Our device has been independently tested by the University of Tartu and the University of Lodz, where our patent-pending UV-C module achieved over 99% effectiveness at inactivating different viruses and bacteria.”
Cover: An Estonian company, Respiray, has invented a wearable ultra-violet air purifier that, it claims, disinfects air without one needed to wear a face covering. Images by Respiray.