A survey by Statistics Estonia, the country’s official statistics agency, shows the use of artificial intelligence by Estonian enterprises is steadily increasing.
Based on the first quarter of 2023, five per cent of companies have used at least one AI technology – this is two per cent more than in 2021.
The most often used AI technologies are text mining, machine learning (deep learning) and image recognition.
The use of AI is the highest among enterprises in financial, insurance, information and communication and energy sectors.
The AI is also used for marketing and sales, ICT security, organising business administration, logistics, accounting, auditing and finance management, and for research and development or innovation activities.

In nearly two per cent of companies, the AI technologies were developed by the in-house staff.
Buying cloud computing services is also a growing trend among companies – cloud services are used by 58 per cent of enterprises. E-mail services are the main type of cloud service bought by companies (48 per cent).