Joao Rei

Joao Rei is a long time expat in Tallinn with a keen interest in local politics. Originally from Portugal, he has a background in marketing and communications. Joao coaches, mentors and invests in early stage startups and currently is the co-founder of eID Easy, an electronic signature company. He has also hosted several pre-election political debates with Estonian World and Estonishing Evenings.

Joao Rei: How can we get the rate of vaccination higher in Estonia? Lessons from Portugal

Portuguese expat Joao Rei, who lives in the Estonian capital, Tallinn, writes that to get more Estonians vaccinated against COVID-19, the reinforcing information shouldn’t necessarily come from the government, but from the people they trust – their neighbours, friends or even their priest. “What makes Portugal different?” That was the question I asked my friends […]

Joao Rei: How can we get the rate of vaccination higher in Estonia? Lessons from Portugal Read More »

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