Merli Antsmaa

Merli Antsmaa is an Estonian arts manager. She works for A-Tiim communication agency and used to work for Jazzkaar festivals. She is also the head of the board of the Association of Professional Arts and Cultural Managers of Estonia, manages artists and owns a small Open Room Agency. She was part of the Keychange network among 60 women from Europe.

Merli Antsmaa: How do we see the future of cultural management in the changed world?

Estonian arts manager Merli Antsmaa views the future of the cultural events management as something hybrid – we will go back to the physical events but will use digital solutions; after the coronavirus lockdown and its severe impact on culture and entertainment, the cultural management field needs to adapt and change – how will we […]

Merli Antsmaa: How do we see the future of cultural management in the changed world? Read More »

Michael Pärt. Photo by Ingrid Kerson.

Interview with Michael Pärt: Making the Estonian film music industry his matter of heart

Michael Pärt, the curator of the Music Meets Film programme, talks to Estonian World about his work and the Estonian film and film music industry in general. This article is published in collaboration with Filmus. Would you imagine meeting someone who has worked with international Oscar and Grammy-nominated talents – musicians like Björk and Arcade

Interview with Michael Pärt: Making the Estonian film music industry his matter of heart Read More »

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