Violaine Champetier de Ribes

Violaine Champetier de Ribes has worked as a journalist and in communication for more than 20 years. In 2017, she became an Estonian e-resident. Then she organised tailormade learning trips to Estonia for top French decision-makers and cowrote the book, “The Full Digital Nation: Estonia: A Break in the GAFAM Wall” (available on Amazon). Since September 2020, she has lived in Tallinn and is currently working as head of PR for Baltics within an Estonian company. In November 2021, she was awarded a citizen diplomat by the Estonian foreign ministry for her commitment to promoting the story of digital Estonia in France. Since 2022, she has been president of CAdFE, the Business Club for Francophones in Estonia and was elected vice-chair of the Foreign Investor Council in Estonia in 2023.

Ukrainian refugees start a healthy snack company in Estonia

Nurturing hope through entrepreneurship: two Ukrainian war refugees in Estonia, Anna Lytvyn and Maryna Prittshina, set up a healthy snacks company called Fruitiki in Tallinn, with ambitions to sell their products across Europe. In a world often rife with uncertainty and adversity, stories of resilience and determination shine like beacons of hope. Lytvyn and Prittshina, […]

Ukrainian refugees start a healthy snack company in Estonia Read More »

Toomas Hendrik Ilves in 2017. Photo by Kaire van der Toorn-Guthan.

Former president Ilves: Estonia’s entrepreneurial culture comes from a hunger for success

The former president of Estonia, Toomas Hendrik Ilves, says in a wide-ranging interview with French journalist Violaine Champetier de Ribes that the Estonians’ entrepreneurial culture comes from a hunger for success they developed during the Soviet occupation – being poor and having nothing to eat, and at the same time watching the food commercials on

Former president Ilves: Estonia’s entrepreneurial culture comes from a hunger for success Read More »

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