Iglucraft, the Estonian manufacturer that few years ago made headlines in Britain when Gordon Ramsay and David Beckham bought its handmade igloo-style saunas, is planning to open 50 “Igluparks” all around Europe in the upcoming years; the first such park opened in Tallinn’s Noblessner area.
The company said in a statement its Iglupark concept consists of saunas, offices and houses. The first such development has just opened in Noblessner area in the Estonian capital, Tallinn. Ten such developments are planned to open in Estonia and fifty across Europe.

Iglucraft is known for its igloo-style sauna design – reminiscent of a snow house traditionally used by the people of Canada’s Central Arctic and Greenland’s Thule area.
In 2018, the high-profile former English professional footballer, David Beckham, bought an Iglucraft sauna for his mansion in the Cotswolds area of Oxfordshire, England. Gordon Ramsay, one of the most influential British chefs, followed suit.

The company said its idea is to provide a “convenient opportunity for anyone to have closer contacts with the sauna culture”.
In Noblessner, its Iglupark development includes five saunas, four seaside offices and ten houses, called Igluhuts.
An Igluhut can provide accommodation for up to two people and contains a living-room, a large bed, a kitchen nook and a bathroom. There is also a large terrace with outdoor furniture. Offices of various sizes consist of a meeting room for eight people or workstations for five, while a sauna fits up to ten people.

Iglucraft said it has sold its products to twenty countries worldwide, including Japan, Australia and the US.
Cover: Iglucraft opened an Iglupark – five saunas, four seaside offices and ten houses, called Igluhut – in Noblessner district in the Estonian capital, Tallinn. Photo by Iglucraft.