
Opinion articles by Estonian and global opinion leaders

Estonians should not be afraid to lead internationally

Aure, a 28-year-old blogger from Belgium, analyses how the Ukrainian war inverted the power dynamics in the European Union: Estonians, very much like the Poles, Slovaks or the Romanians can no longer accept playing second-rank roles due to their lack of confidence based on false historical narratives and Western cliches. The Ukrainian war highlighted how […]

Estonians should not be afraid to lead internationally Read More »

Sten Hankewitz: Cuba just legalised equal marriage. Cuba! What’s wrong with you, Estonia?

Cuba, one of the last communist countries in the world, has legalised equal marriage – marriage between any consenting adults regardless of their gender. Estonia, supposedly one of the bastions of freedom in Europe, still hasn’t fully processed the Cohabitation Act that should grant same-sex couples equal rights to married couples. “What’s wrong with you,

Sten Hankewitz: Cuba just legalised equal marriage. Cuba! What’s wrong with you, Estonia? Read More »

Trusted connectivity: ensuring economic resiliency for a free world

The US and Europe’s early actions to address their economic vulnerabilities to authoritarian states have been largely reactive rather than strategic; they must articulate positive and forward-looking systemic strategies for a renewed free world framework – “trusted connectivity”, Kaush Arha, Karl-Gerhard Lille and Tiit Riisalo write. As Russia wages unprovoked and illegal war in Ukraine

Trusted connectivity: ensuring economic resiliency for a free world Read More »

The past is a prologue: Russia’s bogus referenda come from the USSR playbooks

Sofi Oksanen, a Finnish-Estonian playwright and an acclaimed author of the novel “Purge”, says that by organising “referenda” in the occupied Ukrainian territories, Russia is following the same tactics used by the Soviet Union’s occupation of the Baltic states. This is an edited version of Sofi Oksanen’s original Facebook post; published with the kind permission.

The past is a prologue: Russia’s bogus referenda come from the USSR playbooks Read More »

Madis Somelar: Estonian teachers are treated like 19th-century factory workers

Given that a teacher with an advanced degree earns the same salary as those with only secondary education, is it any wonder Estonia is experiencing a “teacher succession drought”? This opinion article was originally published in Estonian in Eesti Päevaleht. In the autumn of 2022, Estonian teaching professionals will be able to say with confidence

Madis Somelar: Estonian teachers are treated like 19th-century factory workers Read More »

Cristian Gherasim: How can the EU transform energy dependency from an economic liability into a political opportunity?

Looking for new sources of energy will help the European Union expand its soft power to other countries and create new political alliances; if the EU wants to become indeed relevant on the world stage, it must seize this chance and turn this energy war in its favour, Cristian Gherasim an analyst, consultant and journalist

Cristian Gherasim: How can the EU transform energy dependency from an economic liability into a political opportunity? Read More »

How the Baltic Sea countries can shield Europe from Russia’s energy weapon

By Robert Habeck, Kadri Simson and Dan Jørgensen The European Union has a unique opportunity to phase out its historic dependence on Russian energy and to take ownership of its energy future; Robert Habeck, Kadri Simson and Dan Jørgensen – politicians responsible for energy from Germany, Estonia and Denmark, respectively – point out four issues

How the Baltic Sea countries can shield Europe from Russia’s energy weapon Read More »

Travel restrictions for Russian citizens – effective sanction?

As more and more EU countries impose visa restrictions on Russian citizens, will it serve to foment discontent amongst the nation’s privileged populace or be nothing more than a thorn in Putin’s side? Tallinn-based Georgian political scientist, Nino Chanadiri explains. During the ongoing war in Ukraine, Russia’s neighbouring states in and outside the EU have

Travel restrictions for Russian citizens – effective sanction? Read More »

Paul Goble: Five lessons for today from the 1939 Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact

The 1939 Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact entails five lessons for the world today, Paul Goble, the American analyst, writer and columnist with expertise on Russia, writes.* Some anniversaries are marked because they are so important historically that one cannot understand the present without returning to them. Others are commemorated because they contain lessons that remain important for

Paul Goble: Five lessons for today from the 1939 Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact Read More »

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