
Cybersecurity and defence news and analysis

Report: NATO should deploy a “battalion-plus” battle group to Estonia

NATO should deploy, as a minimum, a multinational “battalion-plus” battle group with a range of enablers and force multipliers in each of the Baltic states – Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania – according to a recent report by the International Centre for Defence and Security. The report, titled “Closing NATO’s Baltic Gap”, suggests this battle group […]

Report: NATO should deploy a “battalion-plus” battle group to Estonia Read More »

Staying ahead of the threats: Estonia’s cyber security in 2015

The multi-week denial-of-service attacks in 2007 catapulted Estonia to worldwide attention in the field of cyber security. Since then, criminals, hacktivists, soldiers and spies from near and far have continued to maintain an interest in undermining Estonia’s networked society. Yet they have had no such luck. Every year, Estonia’s flagship agency responsible for cyber security

Staying ahead of the threats: Estonia’s cyber security in 2015 Read More »

LIVE: The Lennart Meri Conference – ten years of leading the discussion on international affairs

Entitled “Shaping the New Normal”, the 10th Lennart Meri Conference (LMC) will focus on the future of Europe and the West from 13-15 May when outstanding analysts and policymakers gather in the Estonian capital, Tallinn. The annual conference was first held in 2007 as a commemorative event for the late president Lennart Meri, organised by

LIVE: The Lennart Meri Conference – ten years of leading the discussion on international affairs Read More »

Russia’s unpredictability Finland’s main concern in regards to joining NATO

The biggest worry Finland seems to have in its long-lasting contemplation on whether to join the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) is the unpredictability of Russia, and partly because of its eastern neighbour, also whether to make the decision to join unilaterally or with Sweden. In a recent assessment, commissioned by the Finnish foreign ministry,

Russia’s unpredictability Finland’s main concern in regards to joining NATO Read More »

Sweden’s Estonian community protests against Russian pipeline in Gotland

The Estonian National Congress of Sweden (ENCS) adopted a resolution on 23 April, expressing concern regarding the security situation in the Baltic Sea area, pointing out that the decisions that are about to be made by the local authorities on Sweden’s Gotland island could have a severe impact on the security and environment of the

Sweden’s Estonian community protests against Russian pipeline in Gotland Read More »

Defence think tank recommends NATO to implement a Baltic Air Defence mission

The Estonian think tank, the International Centre for Defence and Security (ICDS) recommends in a recent study NATO to transition the current Baltic Air Policing mission to an Air Defence mission to increase the presence of the alliance’s air assets in the region to face a potential danger from Russia. The study, commissioned by the

Defence think tank recommends NATO to implement a Baltic Air Defence mission Read More »

Estonia to host a large international cyber defence exercise

From 18-22 April, Estonia is to host one of the biggest and most advanced international cyber defence exercises, Locked Shields 2016. The annual scenario-based real-time network defence exercise focuses on training the security experts who protect national IT systems on a daily basis. Over 550 people and a total of 26 nations are involved in Locked

Estonia to host a large international cyber defence exercise Read More »

Russian jets make aggressive passes of US warship in the Baltic Sea

Two Russian Su-24 jets made multiple aggressive passes of US warship USS Donald Cook, a US Navy destroyer, in the Baltic Sea where the Navy vessel was operating in international waters. According to the US Navy, USS Donald Cook encountered multiple, aggressive flight manoeuvres by Russian aircraft that were performed within close proximity of the

Russian jets make aggressive passes of US warship in the Baltic Sea Read More »

According to the Estonian Internal Security Service, terror threat in Estonia is small. Pictured, people going about their every-day lives at the Town Hall Square in Tallinn. Photo by Ingrid Hankewitz

Estonian internal security: terror threat small, but increasingly real

According to the Estonian Internal Security Service (ISS), the threat of terrorism in Estonia is currently small; however, it has become increasingly real for the country. The ISS says in its annual review 2015 that “a terrorist act in Estonia planned, conspired and sanctioned by a terrorist organisation is considered unlikely at the moment”. “Estonia

Estonian internal security: terror threat small, but increasingly real Read More »

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