Estonian World has again been rated the number one authority on Estonia on the social media by the Paris-based agency, Agilience.
According to the agency, Estonian World “is rated #1 Estonia authority, covering also Tallinn and [the] Baltic states” for May 2019.
The Estonian government is rated the number two authority, and the taxpayer-funded Estonian Public Broadcasting is ranked third. The Estonian foreign ministry comes fourth and the e-Estonia agency fifth.
Agilience has rated Estonian World very highly among the international media outlets and institutions that share news and write about Estonia, its capital, Tallinn, and the Baltic Sea region in general – rating it number six in Tallinn and within the top 100 in the Baltic states.’
Two objective criteria to measure the authority
According to the agency, its algorithm measures the institutions’ authority “with two objective criteria: their focus on the topic and their recognition by their peers. Thus, topic authorities are in the best position to post or share a story that will widely resonate within the community, this is the resonance factor.”
Estonian World is a global independent online magazine, founded in London in 2012 and headquartered in Tallinn, Estonia. The magazine has editorial representations in London, Chicago, Los Angeles and Tallinn, and contributors all over the world, on every continent.
The magazine aims to publicise Estonia’s and Estonians’ successes and success stories in a positive, encouraging manner, but it doesn’t neglect to write about the country’s and its peoples’ challenges and concerns.
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This comes into the equation especially after the last parliamentary election in March 2019 and the inclusion of the far-right party in the Estonian government – a situation that demands an English-language “watchdog” media role from Estonian World.
The magazine has over 45,000 followers in the social media – Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn – and it’s read in more than 230 countries and territories.
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