Global Estonians invited to participate in a survey

The Estonian foreign ministry invites Estonians across the world to take part in a diaspora survey.

The aim of the survey is to get a better insight into the wishes and needs as well as expectations of the country’s expats abroad – for the services offered or planned by the state, the ministry said in a statement.

The survey is carried out by the Institute of Baltic Studies and the Center for Applied Anthropology of Estonia.

Kristjan Kaldur, the project manager at the Institute of Baltic Studies, said there is no previous survey of this kind, involving all Estonians living abroad. “Every compatriot has the chance to describe their lives abroad and provide feedback for shaping policies aimed at expat Estonians, which is why we urge all Estonians abroad to take part in the survey,” he said.

“As it is difficult to assess the exact number and locations of compatriots, we are asking all respondents to distribute the form among their fellow Estonians – family members, friends and acquaintances living abroad,” Kaldur added.

People can fill up the survey and read more about the Estonian diaspora on the special website.

Cover: A group of Estonians celebrating the Estonian Independence Day in Shark Island, Australia. Photo by

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