An Estonian production company, Ö&Q Studio, has created a video called “Your body is not a temple”, a short clip to inspire people to get out there and move.
“People were adapted to be physically active. The average hunter-gatherer walked nine to 15 kilometres every day, but today a typical Westerner walks less than a half a kilometre per day. Digest that thought for a second. Being active does not require expensive gear and you can exercise virtually anywhere, not only in the fanciest gym in the town,” Karl Pärjamäe, a member of the Ö&Q Studio’s team, told Estonian World. “‘Your body is not a temple’ is a short clip to inspire you to get out there and move.”
Pärjamäe said that he works as a chiropractic and noticing on how many people have problems with their joints and the spinal column because lack of physical activity and movement, decided to gather a team of three – Rasmus Laisk and Johan Pärjamäe were the other members – and put together a motivational clip to encourage people to move more.
“In today’s busy world, we really don’t move about much. Some scientists have figured out that an average person in the West walks less than half a kilometre per day on these days. Add long days behind computer, constant sitting, static positions, lack of motivation and what you’ll get is an ineffective or sick body. We are talking about the human body which is actually designed to cope with everything and be highly adaptive” he explained.
In order to film the motivational clip, Pärjamäe invited together friends who are not professional athletes, but just like everyone else – working and studying and engaged in everyday activities. Yet they find some time for regular exercises – some even enough to be the top ones in their chosen discipline.
Pärjamäe indicated that looking at the popularity of the clip, the studio is already thinking of creating a new one soon.
“There are similar ones in YouTube, but not made by Estonians. And let’s be honest, we only have one Linnahall in the world,” he noted, a reference to unique former concert venue in the centre of Tallinn where the clip was filmed.
He added that Estonian nature could also be utilised for future clips.