Estonia’s defence ministry: Russia is conducting simulated missile attacks against Estonia

According to Kusti Salm, the secretary general of the Estonian defence ministry, Russia is conducting simulated missile attacks against Estonia.

Salm told the Finnish tabloid, Iltalehti, that Russia is conducting military exercises that include simulated missile attacks that target the territory of Estonia.

The Estonian media also reported that in southeastern Estonia, a Russian border guard MI-8 helicopter had violated the Estonian air space for the duration of five minutes on 18 June.

According to Salm, this hadn’t been a solo incidence, saying such violations of the Estonian air space are not mistakes, but deliberate steps by the Russian Federation.

Salm also said that Russia didn’t think Estonia was worthy of independence. “Their latest operations and strategic communication assure this conclusion,” he noted, adding, however, that it was still safe to live in Estonia.

Russia said on 21 June that ships from its Baltic Fleet will carry out large-scale manoeuvres in the Gulf of Finland, including mine-laying, artillery firing and anti-submarine drills, the Interfax news service reported.

The exercises will take place as Russian naval vessels travel from the Baltiysk base in the Kaliningrad region to Kronstadt near St Petersburg along a route that runs past the three Baltic states, following 10 days of military exercises that ended on 19 June.

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