Chris Glew

Chris Glew is a London-based author. Chris has also written for other international media outlets, as well as for Estonia's Postimees, Eesti Päevaleht and Delfi.

The opening session of the 14th Riigikogu. Photo by Erik Peinar.

Chris Glew: Estonia’s problem is the voting system

Chris Glew argues that Estonia needs a different voting system – as currently, there’s a lack of a direct link between the voter and the MP.* For those unaware, Estonia’s method of electing its parliamentarians is the d’Hondt method of proportional representation. The country is divided into 12 regions, each selecting between six and 13 […]

Chris Glew: Estonia’s problem is the voting system Read More »

Sir Malcolm Bruce: Estonia is clearly a Nordic country

Interview with Sir Malcolm Bruce, British Liberal Democrat member of parliament (MP) for Gordon (Scotland), Vice-Chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Estonia, and Chair of the Select Committee on International Development. “Do you speak any Estonian?” is the first thing Sir Malcolm Bruce MP asks me, and I reply with a timid “natuke, ma

Sir Malcolm Bruce: Estonia is clearly a Nordic country Read More »

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