
Opinion articles by Estonian and global opinion leaders

Svetlana Stsur: What is wrong with the concept of “Estonian Russian”?

When local TikToker, Ksenia Niglas, posed a question to her followers about the national identity of Estonia’s ethnic Russian population, the response was nothing short of mixed. Now, journalist Svetlana Stsur attempts to tackle the question through the historical lens of ethnic nationalism, while making a case for why it may be more damaging to […]

Svetlana Stsur: What is wrong with the concept of “Estonian Russian”? Read More »

Endel Siff: Protecting Estonia – how to keep the lights on

Endel Siff, the chairman of Milstrand, an Estonian oil storage company, writes that the country should take advantage of his company’s underground oil storage facility that would ensure strategic conservation of fuel supplies during a blockade or kinetic attack – and even in the event of a nuclear strike. Estonia, like its neighbouring Baltic countries,

Endel Siff: Protecting Estonia – how to keep the lights on Read More »

People leaving flowers by the Bronze Soldier monument, a controversial Soviet World War Two monument in Tallinn, 9 May 2022. Photo by Andrea Forlani (andreaforlani.com).

Svetlana Stsur: Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has devaluated the victory over Nazism

Svetlana Stsur, an Estonian Russian, writes that she understands the sentiment around 9 May and its meaning for the identity of many Russian-speaking people around the world – but, quoting a short story from her 23-year-old Ukrainian friend, Russia’s bloody invasion of Ukraine has devaluated the meaning of the date. Today, millions of people in

Svetlana Stsur: Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has devaluated the victory over Nazism Read More »

Iranian women must wear traditional Islamic clothing when outside of their homes. Here, two women wearing burkas. Photo by Majid Korang beheshti on Unsplash.

Sten Hankewitz: Why does Estonia have diplomatic relations with Iran?

Estonia recently “celebrated” the 30th anniversary of its relations with Iran and Estonia’s new ambassador to the country presented her credentials to the president of Iran; why on earth would Estonia even have diplomatic relations with one of the most oppressive, most evil regimes in the world is beyond belief, the executive editor of Estonian

Sten Hankewitz: Why does Estonia have diplomatic relations with Iran? Read More »

Reelika Virunurm: The true cost of Germany’s stance on Russia

Estonian World’s long-time contributor Reelika Virunurm considers Germany her second home but is severely disappointed in the current highest-ranking German politicians and their unwillingness to act decisively in dealings with Russia, an unwillingness which has consequences for Ukraine, Estonia and all of Europe. After having lived almost five years in Germany, I remain very close

Reelika Virunurm: The true cost of Germany’s stance on Russia Read More »

Estonia must recognise Chinese genocide in Xinjiang

Calling out crimes against humanity is the duty of every free country; Estonia, as a young democracy having lived through crimes against humanity during Soviet occupation, must be one of the leading voices to hold the Chinese Communist Party accountable for committing genocide in Xinjiang, Iverson Ng and Oliver Loode write. In February, China hosted

Estonia must recognise Chinese genocide in Xinjiang Read More »

Volodymyr Zelensky: Russia must not receive any money from European states or companies

The president of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, said in a video address to the Estonian parliament on 13 April that the European Union has no right to sponsor war – a reference to the fact that many EU member states still buy Russian energy, thus indirectly funding the Russian war against Ukraine; Estonian World publishes Zelensky’s

Volodymyr Zelensky: Russia must not receive any money from European states or companies Read More »

Ivanna Klympush-Tsintsadze: Prosecute Putin

Ivanna Klympush-Tsintsadze, the chair of Ukraine’s Parliamentary Committee on Integration of Ukraine to the EU, calls for a revocation of Russia’s veto at the United Nations Security Council, followed by a special war-crimes tribunal to prosecute Putin and other culpable officials for the crimes against humanity that have become a staple of Russian policy in

Ivanna Klympush-Tsintsadze: Prosecute Putin Read More »

Anastasia Radina: Blacklist Putin’s terrorist state

The Ukrainian parliament’s committee on anti-corruption policy is calling on the G7’s Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering to expel Russia and add it to the blacklist of high-risk jurisdictions, making international transactions with Russia impossible and crippling the country’s war engine, Anastasia Radina, the committee’s head, writes. A humanitarian catastrophe is unfolding in

Anastasia Radina: Blacklist Putin’s terrorist state Read More »

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