The Estonian band, “The Women in the Kitchen” (Naised Köögis), the Estonian National Opera Boys’ Choir, the Estonian TV Girls’ Choir and the Pärnu City Orchestra have released a song and a video inspired by the global environmental concerns and climate change; the video of the song, “What World Will Be Left to Us”, has been subtitled in 14 languages.
The song was written specially for children and youth choirs and more than hundred musicians and singers participated in the project.
“’What World Will Be Left to Us’ is both a song and a direct question that needs to be answered right away. It has arisen from the resentment of young people and the heartache of their parents. It’s a call for refreshing of our current mindset and joint action,” the creators of the song said in a statement.
“What we all wish for is a clean planet and sustainable way of life, a home on Earth where we feel safe and part of nature – a world where children have a future to look forward to. According to the recent climate report, humanity has very little time left to agree on a joint action plan to prevent a global environmental catastrophe,” they added.
Kristiina Ehin, an Estonian poet and a member of the rather ironically named band, “The Women in the Kitchen”, said that while writing the song, the creators spoke with “many young people and children”. “We listened carefully to their concerns for the future and put their thoughts into the lyrics. We hope our song will help build bridges between various generations, opinions, worldviews and interest groups,” Ehin said in a statement.
“As mothers, it hurts to see children’s fear of the future. We hope that our song also will make politicians look beyond economic growth,” Sofia Joons Gylling, another member of the group, added.
The song and the video, subtitled in 14 languages, were produced in co-operation with Rohetiiger (the Green Tiger), an Estonian NGO that focuses on introducing environmentally conscious ways of thinking.

“The Women in the Kitchen”, founded in 2015 by Katrin Laidre, Kristiina Ehin, Sofia Joons Gylling and Kairi Leivo, is a contemporary folk band whose songs range from the serious and moving to the irreverent as they explore a variety of personal and social issues that have touched them or provoked them. The band says they “write songs for proud women and intelligent men with big hearts”.