The newspaper “Our Church”, published by some of the clergy members of the Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church, is spewing pure hatred towards the Estonian election results and, therefore, towards its people, Sten Hankewitz, the executive editor of Estonian World, writes.
“Our Church”, the newspaper associated with the Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church – or, well, as they themselves say, a “conservative Christian online magazine” whose “editors are clerics among the Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church” – published an article in January, before the Estonian general election, saying that a Christian should not vote for three liberal parties (Reform Party, Estonia 200 and Social Democrats) in Estonia because, if they do so, they’re sinners who’re voting against Christian values and therefore, well, they’re committing a sin.
When I read that, I figured, okay, well, there’s the 21st century in most of the Western world, but I guess Estonia’s Lutheran church just prefers to be the 15th century Vatican on steroids. It’s their prerogative, after all.
Now, after the election, the supposed magazine published another message on Facebook, saying that a “remarkable part of the Estonian nation, with their full knowledge, gave their vote to morally bastardly political forces, the parties representing horrendous sin and death, drawing a serious blame on themselves”.
In the US, Lutherans are welcoming everyone
Moreover, the Facebook post continues, “this part of the populace gave their acceptance to destroying the family and the marriage” that supposedly is promised by some parties (it’s not, trust me), and as a cherry on top, the “Our Church” Facebook post also claims the Estonian people voted for, “in a wide perspective, this demonic ideologic direction and thought process that will destroy the very basics of the national survival”.

Let me remind you, we’re talking about Estonia. A country that doesn’t give a toss about religion in general. One of the most secular countries in the world.
At the same time, in the United States, a country that people think is one of the most evangelical, Christian-conservative countries in the world, the Lutheran churches are proudly waving Pride flags (the rainbow flags that represent gay pride) and their doors bear the sign, “Everyone’s welcome.”
So, one needs to ask, what the heck is wrong with the Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church that it hates people so much? Is it because it’s afraid of the vengeful, Old-Testament God? Hey, I’m a Jew. The vengeful Old-Testament God is my God, and I ain’t afraid of Him. Because, God is God – if He created the humankind in his own image, then who the hell are the spiteful, hateful clerics of the Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church to question His will? If you believe that God created the human in his own image, then shouldn’t the human have the liberty to be as he, she, they were created?
Maybe God himself wants to dress up in drag every now and then. Maybe God is a man who likes the company of other men. Maybe God is a woman who likes the company of other women.

The Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church is the Ku Klux Klan of Estonia
Or maybe God is someone who was born with a penis, but prefers to have a vagina?
How do we know for sure?
But the Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church doesn’t take any of these maybes into the account. It keeps on hammering its own doctrine, which, in its world is: we’re always right, and everybody else – including science – is wrong.

At the end of the day, the Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church is just spewing pure hatred instead of being a uniting force. Instead of spreading love and tolerance and acceptance, it’s being the Ku Klux Klan of Estonia. In 2023.
This hatred shouldn’t have a place in the modern world. Pure hatred because of some people’s idiotic and ancient doctrines that negate the humanity should not exist.
The opinions in this article are those of the author.