Estonia urges the EU to rely less on US ‘clouds’

IT hub Estonia has urged the European Union to rely less on US firms for ‘cloud’ data storage, amid tensions over claims of US spying and data surveillance. “Recent months have proven once again that it’s very important for Europe to have its own data clouds that operate strictly under European legislation,” Estonian President Toomas Hendrik […]

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Silicon Valley or Silicon Alley: startup cultures compared

It’s the debate that’s been argued by rappers, surfers, chefs, swing dancers, and oyster connoisseurs: which is better, East Coast or West Coast? Setting aside the fact that many of the country’s finest originations come from burgs scattered across the heartland, the two regions where the ocean meets the terra firma have long been seen

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Is Europe declining or not?

Although it may seem that Europe is down and out as it struggles with multiple crises, things are in fact far, far better than they appear on the surface.  By Hans Kundnani & Mark Leonard This article first appeared in Foreign Policy magazine and European Council on Foreign Relations website. I “Europe is history” No. These days,

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Estonian soldiers in Afghanistan.

Ahto Lobjakas: Estonia’s betrayal of Omar, the Pashtun interpreter

In rejecting the asylum plea of Omar, an interpreter who worked with Estonian troops in Helmand province in southern Afghanistan, the Estonian government this week thumbed its nose at pretty much everything that’s been going for it in recent history. Admittedly, it may have thought itself in good company after the British government took a

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Forecasting the Baltics’ future security environment

Every few years, the U.S. National Intelligence Council (NIC) publishes studies of how the world might evolve over the next two decades. Global Trends 2030: Alternative Worlds, released in December 2012, is the latest such iteration. Its four scenarios include one in which the United States turns inward and economic globalisation stagnates (“Stalled Engines”); one in

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Sten Hankewitz: Can your enemy’s friend be your friend?

“This is my last election … After my election I have more flexibility.” “I will transmit this information to Vladimir.” I This exchange happened between US President Barack Obama and Russian then-President Dmitri Medvedev in March 2012. Between then and now, Medvedev became Prime Minister (and Prime Minister Vladimir Putin President), and Obama was re-elected.

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