Patrik Maldre

Patrik Maldre is a security consultant at Evolve Security, where he focuses on providing offensive security services to Evolve’s diverse client base. Patrik is also lead instructor for cyber intelligence at the Evolve Security Academy. He has previously worked as a cyber intelligence analyst at CyberCube and FireEye, and as a diplomat focused on cyber policy at the Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He completed military service in the Estonian Defence Forces as a sergeant and squad leader, and still serves on a voluntary basis in the Estonian Defence League. Patrik holds a double-bacherlor’s degree in philosophy and political science from the University of Illinois and an a master’s degree in international relations from the Institut Barcelona d’Estudis Internacionals. He graduated from Evolve Security’s cyber security bootcamp in 2017, obtained a graduate certificate in cyber intelligence from the University of South Florida in 2018, and completed Evolve’s advanced penetration testing course in 2019. He also holds the security+, network+, pentest+, and cyber security analyst+ certifications.

The United Kingdom and Estonia’s achievement of independence

Patrik Maldre describes the crucial days of 1918 when the Estonia-UK alliance was born.* On 24 February 1919, the Republic of Estonia celebrated its first Independence Day with nearly full control of the nation’s historical homeland. And yet, only a short two months before that, the Red Army had been camped 34 kilometres (21 miles) […]

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Patrik Maldre: The state of Estonia’s cyber security

Patrik Maldre, a cyber security expert, takes a look at the Estonian government’s recently published report, “Cyber Security in Estonia” and states that Estonia continues to take substantial strides in the cyber security field both domestically and internationally. For more than a decade, Estonia has been focused on cyber security as a national priority. It

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Patrik Maldre: Estonia’s next president should aspire to global cyber security leadership

Estonia’s political leaders are now choosing the country’s new head of state. The next president can, and should, build on his or her predecessor’s legacy to firmly establish Estonia as a global leader in the practical and political dimensions of cyber security. President Toomas Hendrik Ilves’s ten years of leadership is coming to an end.

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Staying ahead of the threats: Estonia’s cyber security in 2015

The multi-week denial-of-service attacks in 2007 catapulted Estonia to worldwide attention in the field of cyber security. Since then, criminals, hacktivists, soldiers and spies from near and far have continued to maintain an interest in undermining Estonia’s networked society. Yet they have had no such luck. Every year, Estonia’s flagship agency responsible for cyber security

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Estonia’s high-tech defence industry is coming of age

In Estonia, a small but quickly growing group of high-tech defence companies are finding paths to international success. In fact, most countries that take national security and economic growth seriously are host to companies dedicated to the defence sector. This industry generates high-level, specialised, often engineering or IT-related jobs, provides a smooth outlet for military

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Patrik Maldre: Citizen’s Day – social cohesion is key for national security

26 November is celebrated in Estonia as Citizen’s Day. It commemorates the date of the signing into effect of the first Estonian citizenship law in 1918, and honours all Estonian citizens as well as those who are aspiring to become citizens, regardless of ethnicity. It is also a day that encourages reflection on the relationship

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Reflections on the Wales summit and the making of future NATO

Last week’s NATO summit in Newport, Wales, featured the largest gathering of world leaders in the history of the United Kingdom, and not without good reason. Transatlantic security is being challenged around its perimeter by brutal civil wars and undeclared stealth invasions, by resurgent state adversaries as well as nascent non-state groupings. The time was

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