Patrik Maldre

Patrik Maldre is a security consultant at Evolve Security, where he focuses on providing offensive security services to Evolve’s diverse client base. Patrik is also lead instructor for cyber intelligence at the Evolve Security Academy. He has previously worked as a cyber intelligence analyst at CyberCube and FireEye, and as a diplomat focused on cyber policy at the Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He completed military service in the Estonian Defence Forces as a sergeant and squad leader, and still serves on a voluntary basis in the Estonian Defence League. Patrik holds a double-bacherlor’s degree in philosophy and political science from the University of Illinois and an a master’s degree in international relations from the Institut Barcelona d’Estudis Internacionals. He graduated from Evolve Security’s cyber security bootcamp in 2017, obtained a graduate certificate in cyber intelligence from the University of South Florida in 2018, and completed Evolve’s advanced penetration testing course in 2019. He also holds the security+, network+, pentest+, and cyber security analyst+ certifications.

Estonia, the Freedom Online Coalition and the future of internet governance

On 28-29 April 2014, in the framework of the Estonian ICT Week, Tallinn will be hosting the annual conference of the Freedom Online Coalition (FOC). The FOC is a new and growing group of countries dedicated to upholding and advancing the philosophy of internet freedom. The battle for the future of the internet is heating […]

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Estonia’s defence spending: Upholding the NATO commitment

The primary goal of any nation-state is, first and foremost, to ensure its own security from internal and external threats. The Republic of Estonia is no different, with territorial integrity and the safety of its citizens ranking at the top of its list of foreign policy priorities. Today, as historically, the most effective way to

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Estonia and the US: paving a way forward in cyber security

At the sidelines of the NATO ministerial meeting that took place in Brussels in December, Estonian Foreign Minister Urmas Paet and US Secretary of State John Kerry signed a landmark agreement regarding cyber cooperation that, except for a few articles recycling press release text, went largely unheeded by both the general public and the (cyber)

Estonia and the US: paving a way forward in cyber security Read More »

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