
Cybersecurity and defence news and analysis

Protocols confirm Estonian border violation by Russia

The Estonian Police and Boarder Guard on Wednesday published the protocol that confirms a border violation by Russia during the abduction of the Estonian security officer Eston Kohver on 5 September. In the protocol, both Estonian and Russian border guards confirm the border violation took place on the Estonian side. Estonia has maintained since the start

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Reflections on the Wales summit and the making of future NATO

Last week’s NATO summit in Newport, Wales, featured the largest gathering of world leaders in the history of the United Kingdom, and not without good reason. Transatlantic security is being challenged around its perimeter by brutal civil wars and undeclared stealth invasions, by resurgent state adversaries as well as nascent non-state groupings. The time was

Reflections on the Wales summit and the making of future NATO Read More »

Russia kidnapping Estonians is nothing new: 46 of them were abducted in the thirties

In light of the recent kidnapping of an Estonian security police officer by the Russian FSB, it may be worthwhile to take a look in the past. We may be shocked at the course of events in the last few days – and we may be especially astonished at the egregious disregard for a NATO

Russia kidnapping Estonians is nothing new: 46 of them were abducted in the thirties Read More »

US President Barack Obama in Tallinn: NATO will defend Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania

The US President pledged on Wednesday in a speech given in the Estonian capital Tallinn that NATO would defend its Baltic allies against possible Russian threat. US President’s speech in full. Full transcript of Barack Obama’s speech, as provided by Federal News Service ( PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: (Applause.) Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so

US President Barack Obama in Tallinn: NATO will defend Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania Read More »

LIVE STREAM: US President Obama delivers a public speech in Estonia

US President Barack Obama delivers a public speech at the Nordea Concert Hall in Tallinn on 3 September 2014. Note that Barack Obama has now concluded with his remarks. You can watch his speech again by dragging the counter along the timeline at 8:00 to replay. I Cover photo: Barack Obama delivering a public speech

LIVE STREAM: US President Obama delivers a public speech in Estonia Read More »

Estonia to help create a new 10,000 strong NATO rapid deployment force

Estonia and six other states are to create a new joint expeditionary force of at least 10,000 personnel to improve NATO’s rapid deployment ability. The new expeditionary force will be led by the United Kingdom. In order to start preparations for creation of the new expeditionary force, the Estonian Defence Minister, Sven Mikser, will sign

Estonia to help create a new 10,000 strong NATO rapid deployment force Read More »

German jets take to Estonian skies to protect the Baltics

Germany will be taking over the responsibility of supporting the Baltic Air Policing mission from Ämari Air Base in Estonia. From September until end of the year, up to six Luftwaffe Eurofighter Typhoon jets will patrol the skies of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, in coordination with NATO fighter jets already stationed in Lithuania. German support

German jets take to Estonian skies to protect the Baltics Read More »

NATO plans East European bases to counter Russian threat

NATO is to deploy its forces at new bases in Eastern Europe for the first time, in response to the Ukraine crisis and in an attempt to deter the Russian President, Vladimir Putin, from causing trouble in the Baltic states, the alliance’s Secretary General, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, told The Guardian newspaper. According to Rasmussen, the NATO summit in

NATO plans East European bases to counter Russian threat Read More »

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