Podcast: Does Tallinn deserve its Green Capital title?

The Tallinn University Podcast seeks to shed light on the research and activism taking place in Estonia; in this episode, the host Terry McDonald is joined by Bianka Plüschke-Altof, a senior researcher in environmental sociology at Tallinn University – they discuss the topic of green cities and about Tallinn being awarded the European Green Capital title for 2023.

This season, the podcast is presented in conjunction with Estonian World.

The challenges climate change brings must be increasingly taken into account in urban planning, especially when the number of people in cities is constantly increasing. The United Nations estimates that almost 70 per cent of the world’s population will be living in urban areas by 2050, which has prompted inclusion in the UN Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. Goal number 11 aims to “make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable”.

Therefore, this time the episode focuses on green cities. What makes a city “green”? Why are green cities desirable? How can private citizens contribute to greener cities? These are some of the questions Plüschke-Altof will provide her views and answers on. She will also tell us more about her research and her recently published book with her colleagues, “Whose Green City? Contested Urban Green Spaces and Environmental Justice in Northern Europe”.

Finally, the episode will discuss the topic of Tallinn being awarded the European Green Capital title for 2023. Why did Tallinn receive this title and does it deserve the award? Where could Tallinn still improve? How about the other cities in Estonia?

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