Estonia calls a snap defence readiness exercise

The Estonian government on 26 January approved the defence readiness exercise Okas (Quill) where 830 members of territorial defence units are expected to participate in the snap exercise. 

According to the proposal of the Commander of the Estonian Defence Forces, 658 reservists from territorial defence units of the Pärnumaa, Saaremaa and Lääne districts, the Territorial Defence Region West, the Estonian Defence League, are ordered to participate in the exercise. 

In addition, 172 members of the Defence League are invited to the exercise by the commanders of districts.

The exercise is scheduled to take place from 26 January until 23 February.

The main purpose of the exercise is to test the chain of command of national defence, from the decision of the Estonian government to achieving combat readiness of designated units in the rapid response structure.

In addition, during the exercise, units of the Territorial Defence Region West, Estonian Defence League, will practice performing wartime tasks and maintaining combat readiness for a longer period.

The exercise is of a defensive nature, aimed at practicing national defence activities. There is no immediate security threat to Estonia, the Estonian government assured.“The task of the Estonian Defence Forces and Estonian Defence League is to ensure that the country is constantly ready to defend itself and this needs to be practiced during exercises,” it added.

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