Estonian history

Video: A historian debunks the Russian myth of the golden age of the Baltics in the Soviet Union

Latvian historian Gatis Krumins discovered detailed accounting reports of the State Bank of the Soviet Union, according to which the main investments to the Baltics went into Soviet military spending, and the Baltic states were rather subsidising other Soviet regions. When the Baltic countries were occupied by the Soviet Union, the people in these countries […]

Video: A historian debunks the Russian myth of the golden age of the Baltics in the Soviet Union Read More »

One-minute lecture: Why is the number of Finno-Ugric peoples decreasing?

According to the census, there are 9,614 “other” Finno-Ugric people living in Estonia: Erzyas, Mokshas, Udmurts, Komis, Karelians, Maris, Hungarians, Finns, Ingrians and many others. Overall, there are around 25 million Finno-Ugrians in the world. Still, the number of those who speak Finno-Ugric languages keeps declining, says doctor Natalia Abrosimova of the Tallinn University School

One-minute lecture: Why is the number of Finno-Ugric peoples decreasing? Read More »

Karoli Hindriks: When the tanks have passed your playground

Karoli Hindriks, the CEO and founder of the Estonian startup, Jobbatical, writes about her personal not-so-pleasant experiences of growing up in the Soviet-occupied Estonia. This week my native country, nestled in a remote corner of the Earth about 500 miles from Santa’s village, celebrates 25 years since the restoration of its independence. 25 years since

Karoli Hindriks: When the tanks have passed your playground Read More »

Estonia to assemble memorial to the victims of communism

The Estonian state real estate management company has chosen the design “Journey” (“Teekond” in Estonian) as the future memorial to the victims of communism and officers of Estonia. The winner of the design competition was chosen by Riigi Kinnisvara AS (RKAS, the state real estate management agency) in cooperation with the ministry of justice, the

Estonia to assemble memorial to the victims of communism Read More »

Conference in Israel marks 90 years of Jewish cultural autonomy in Estonia

A conference that took place in Israel last week marked the 90th anniversary of Jewish cultural autonomy in Estonia; 90 people attended what was the biggest Estonian-arranged conference in the Holy Land. The Estonian ambassador to Israel, Malle Talvet-Mustonen told Estonian World that the conference also marked the 25th anniversary of Estonia regaining independence after

Conference in Israel marks 90 years of Jewish cultural autonomy in Estonia Read More »

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