
News and features about Estonia and Estonians

A crazy Estonian idea urges people to clean up their countries in one day

When the Estonian entrepreneur, Rainer Nõlvak, announced his team wants to bring together 50,000 Estonians to clean up the entire country from illegal waste in just one day, there was a lot of disbelief. Something like this had never been done anywhere in the world.* Back in 2007, nobody had an idea how much illegal […]

A crazy Estonian idea urges people to clean up their countries in one day Read More »

Minority report: the plight of Estonia’s ethnic Swedes

Estonia’s Swedes survived revolution, invasion and exile. Their struggles tell the story of 20th-century Europe. In 1993 I found myself living on a former collective farm in a remote border protection zone in western Estonia. The place was like small collective farms everywhere in the Soviet Union: there was a cultural hall, a school, a

Minority report: the plight of Estonia’s ethnic Swedes Read More »

An expat in Tallinn, Scott Diel, tells Estonians to “dream bigger”

In “Expats corner” we catch up with foreigners who live or have lived in Estonia, to find out what they really think of the country. Scott Diel, originally from the United States, is a colourful and charismatic writer and journalist who runs Slothrop’s – the first and only second-hand English/foreign language bookshop in the Estonian capital.

An expat in Tallinn, Scott Diel, tells Estonians to “dream bigger” Read More »

The most important events for Estonia in 2014 – as chosen by Estonian World

Estonian World’s authors choose the events that have, in their opinion, shaped the life of Estonians and their country most this year.   Claire Millard “Koos” “Koos” – shorthand for kooseluseadus, the civil partnership act, which passed this year into a law in Estonia. Translated directly as “living together law”, the act covers both heterosexual

The most important events for Estonia in 2014 – as chosen by Estonian World Read More »

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