
Opinion articles by Estonian and global opinion leaders

Thirty Estonian folk tales: What we could learn from them

Tatiana Akopova, a social media marketing specialist, who moved to Estonia from Russia, has been reading Estonian folk tales and now shares what she thinks they could tell us about contemporary Estonia. Ah, the rich tapestry of Estonian folklore: where cunning peasants, Finnish sages and conniving crayfish share the stage in teaching us about life’s […]

Thirty Estonian folk tales: What we could learn from them Read More »

Liisa Rohumaa: It is time more straight people supported LGBTQ+ rights in Estonia

Liisa Rohumaa, a half-Estonian, half-English journalist who lives in Tallinn, writes that since the + in LGBTQ+ means everyone, not only gay people, and concerns basic human rights, then straight people, too, need to stand for gay rights and support equal marriage. Do you believe in “one for all and all for equality”? Is your

Liisa Rohumaa: It is time more straight people supported LGBTQ+ rights in Estonia Read More »

The late Estonian president Lennart Meri (left) and the late Russian president Boris Yeltsin raising a toast in Moscow on 26 July 1994, after Yeltsin signed an agreement to withdraw the Russian troops from Estonia. Photo by the National Archives of Estonia.

Desiree Mumm: Understanding soft and hard power diplomacy and why Estonia needs both

In the world of diplomacy, nations have long utilised both soft power and hard power tactics to advance their interests; from cultural influence to military might, these approaches can be critical tools for achieving strategic objectives – but how do they work, and why do some countries need to rely on both? Desiree Mumm, an

Desiree Mumm: Understanding soft and hard power diplomacy and why Estonia needs both Read More »

Arthur Fertier: Online voting – can Estonia inspire France?

Arthur Fertier, a French student specialised in political science and currently based in Tallinn, notes that a record number of Estonians voted online in the recent general election and asks whether it’s possible to copy Estonia’s system in France. On 5 March 2023, the Estonian general election took place with a particularly high turnout of

Arthur Fertier: Online voting – can Estonia inspire France? Read More »

Sten Hankewitz: The Estonian Lutheran Church is spewing hatred

The newspaper “Our Church”, published by some of the clergy members of the Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church, is spewing pure hatred towards the Estonian election results and, therefore, towards its people, Sten Hankewitz, the executive editor of Estonian World, writes. “Our Church”, the newspaper associated with the Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church – or, well, as

Sten Hankewitz: The Estonian Lutheran Church is spewing hatred Read More »

Mayyada Abdel Salam: Vaping – a growing concern in Estonia that requires a different approach

Mayyada Abdel Salam, a columnist based in Estonia, writes that the current approach towards regulating e-cigarettes in Estonia is misguided; rather than focusing on limiting access, the government should prioritise promoting healthy lifestyles. In recent years, vaping has become a major concern among young people globally, leading governments to regulate or ban the product. In

Mayyada Abdel Salam: Vaping – a growing concern in Estonia that requires a different approach Read More »

Omniva's parcel pick-up robot in Estonia. Photo by Sigrit.l, shared under the CC BY-SA 4.0 licence.

Sten Hankewitz: Receiving a parcel in Estonia from outside the EU – it’s treated as an offence

The Estonian postal and customs system deliberately makes receiving parcels from outside of the EU difficult – and for no other reason than “because it is so”, Sten Hankewitz, the executive editor of Estonian World, writes. There’s an old saying: Estonians follow Russian stupidity with German preciseness. Nowhere is that truer than when we look

Sten Hankewitz: Receiving a parcel in Estonia from outside the EU – it’s treated as an offence Read More »

Martin Herem: Russia’s defeat in Ukraine won’t put an end to danger we face

However Russia ends the aggression against Ukraine, its hatred and its need for revenge, and the conviction in its own power and rightfulness, do not seem to be going anywhere, the Commander of the Estonian Defence Forces, Lieutenant General Martin Herem, writes. We are all waiting for the end of the war between Ukraine and

Martin Herem: Russia’s defeat in Ukraine won’t put an end to danger we face Read More »

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