
Opinion articles by Estonian and global opinion leaders

Estonian MEP Tunne Kelam: Putin’s aggression against Ukraine reminds us Hitler’s destruction of Czechoslovakia

Estonian Member of European Parliament, Tunne Kelam, made a statement on Saturday, saying that Russia’s aggression against Ukraine “is a chilling reminder of Hitler’s step-by-step destruction of Czechoslovakia”, calling for the suspension of both Russia’s membership in the Council of Europe and also the negotiations about future visa-free movement between the EU and Russia. Tunne […]

Estonian MEP Tunne Kelam: Putin’s aggression against Ukraine reminds us Hitler’s destruction of Czechoslovakia Read More »

Adam Garrie: A museum of Estonian music is needed for Estonia and the web

Estophile Adam Garrie argues that it’s time to establish a dedicated museum of Estonian music, with an emphasis not only on rich choral traditions and modern classical, but also on a contemporary period. When mentioning Estonian culture to international audiences, the first thing that usually comes to mind is Estonia’s rich musical tradition. Estonia’s choral

Adam Garrie: A museum of Estonian music is needed for Estonia and the web Read More »

Adam Garrie: There is no freedom without freedom of movement

British prime minister David Cameron recently caused a furore when suggesting that in future, the immigration from poorer EU countries to the UK should be restricted, thus undermining and ignoring one of the fundamental EU principles – the free movement of workers. David Cameron also described the immigration from A8 (including Estonia) countries to the UK since 2004

Adam Garrie: There is no freedom without freedom of movement Read More »

Abdul Turay: What’s up with the people who are in charge of immigration?

What’s up with the people who are in charge of immigration? On lots of different levels and in lots of different ways, the authorities, whether they are border guards, the police, or civil servants drafting legislation, appear to be getting things horribly wrong. This article was originally published by Abdul Turay in his blog. I will tell three stories. They all

Abdul Turay: What’s up with the people who are in charge of immigration? Read More »

Mike Reiner: Estonian Startup School – a degree without a thesis

Mike Reiner, the chief of Startup Wise Guys, argues that Estonia would be an excellent place to start an alternative entrepreneurship programme. Let me propose: a master’s programme in entrepreneurship done differently. Instead of a full curriculum and a thesis, a selection of relevant lectures/workshops and work directly related to building a business. Students would

Mike Reiner: Estonian Startup School – a degree without a thesis Read More »

Maive Rute: Estonia – an unhappy overachiever in democracy?

Measuring and comparing people’s quality of life and life satisfaction has given many outstanding economists serious headaches. It is generally agreed that the usual way of comparing GDP per capita does not really capture the many aspects that contribute to human satisfaction and happiness in life. One way to explore this phenomenon is to ask

Maive Rute: Estonia – an unhappy overachiever in democracy? Read More »

Adrienne Warren: Good, better, best? Estonia and the Better Life Index 2013

Estonia has been riding the high of many positive ratings in various global indices — from democracy to press freedom to innovation, this nation has ranked among some of the most developed nations in the world proving itself to be a force to be reckoned with. However, it’s not all good news for the Baltic country as the OECD releases its “Better

Adrienne Warren: Good, better, best? Estonia and the Better Life Index 2013 Read More »

Anna-Cara Keim: Mental geographies and identities in the Baltic Sea region

East, West, North or South? The notion of geographical space is always subjective. What we view as North or East constitutes South or West for those living respectively further North or further East. However, in most cases mental geographies are very conscious constructions, and geographical space is no longer simply formed by spatial boundaries, but

Anna-Cara Keim: Mental geographies and identities in the Baltic Sea region Read More »

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