In cooperation with the Estonian ministry of education, the Estonian Youth Work Centre and the Brotherhood of Adventurers, people with Estonian roots, but who live abroad, have the chance to take part in a new programme – “Back to our roots” – to help them connect with their origin.
The author of this article had a privilege to take part in the programme that got together in October in Tallinn. The multicultural and multilinguistic group had 30 participants of whom 20 were “foreign Estonians”, ie people of Estonian origin but who live abroad, and 10 Estonians.
The foreign Estonians in the group had different backgrounds – most of them came from Anglo-Saxon countries, such as Australia, Canada, Germany and the US. But there were also people from Finland, Lithuania, Ireland, Egypt, Mexico, Italy and Georgia.
Discovering the Estonian institutions
The participants, aged 18-26, spent their first three days in Tallinn discovering the Estonian main institutions such as the houses of parliament and the government building – the Stenbock house. The meeting with the representatives of the ministry of education gave them a more thorough idea about the aim of the project and the possibilities in terms of language learning and education provided by different institutions in Estonia.

The project was funded by the Compatriots Programme of the Estonian ministry of education and research, coordinated by the Estonian Youth Work Centre, and organised by the Brotherhood of Adventurers (Seiklejate Vennaskond).
The aim of the programme was to show what kind of opportunities Estonia offers to young people who might be thinking about their future life and career. The Compatriots Programme also organises also other different activities involving Estonians from different countries. In the summer, there was a similar project that was more focused on learning language, the culture and the traditions.
Embraced by the deep forests
After getting a glance of the capital the youngsters had the opportunity to discover the unspoilt nature of the country. In Käsmu, the group discovered the Baltic Sea and had the opportunity to get in touch with the vibes of the Estonian maritime environment and the tradition of sauna.
Later, the group was embraced by the deep forests of southeast Estonia. In Taevaskoja, the participants visited the surrounding nature and took a canoe trip. In an enjoyable afternoon, they also took part in the traditional Estonian dances in Põlva.

After meditating in the nature, the intellectual city of Tartu offered the group many inspirations. The busy schedule in Tartu started with a conference at Loodusmaja (the nature house) about the Teeme ära (Let’s Do It) project that involved all of Estonia cleaning the nature.
As Tartu is well known for its university, the young people visited that important institution. Most of the foreign Estonians were deeply interested in the possibilities offered by the university and asked many questions about studying opportunities, scholarships and the Estonian language courses. The next visit matched perfectly with this inspiring context, as the trip to Tartu continued with the Ahhaa! science centre. There the group had a lot of fun and learned more about physics and new technologies.
The cherry on the top of the day was the visit to the Eesti Rahva Muuseum (the Estonian National Museum). This new complex had been opened a day before the group gathered in Estonia. The building amazed all the participants and the guided tour was deeply interesting – the more the youths experienced, the more they got in touch with their roots.
Learning about the Estonian digital excellence
The project ended with three days in Tallinn learning about the Estonian digital excellence. The group visited the well-known Estonian startups like Playtech, Transferwise and Skype where the participants had the chance to discover the work approach of these new companies and to see how they put a big effort in shaping a good environment for their employees.

Also, the visit to the E-Estonia showroom was inspiring. The group had the chance to sit in the same place the German chancellor, Angela Merkel, had been sitting two weeks earlier. In the showroom, the youngsters learned how Estonia managed to have a highly digitalised administration and governance and how it looks like. Most of the foreign Estonians asked several questions about I-voting, digital identification and the digital services provided by institutions to the citizens.
The group had also the opportunity to participate in an informal round table with a representative of the NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence. This Q&A session helped create awareness of the international importance of Estonia in digital technologies and the defence against potential threats.
During these busy days, the group also had the opportunity to learn Estonian, in both informal ways and with some language classes. Some of the participants heard Estonian for their first time while others were already fluent.
Trying different traditional foods
The youths also had the chance to try different traditional Estonian foods. All participants were highly satisfied with the meals and the Estonian beer. The only complaint after some days was that there were too many potatoes in the Estonian cuisine.

The group’s impression about the project and a future in Estonia was overall positive. Most of the participants were dreaming or planning concretely a future in Estonia. And even if not all of them will go back to Estonia to settle there, most of them will certainly go back for a holiday and visit their new friends they made.
All of them now have a deeper knowledge of Estonia and could speak a lot about the interesting history of Estonia.

Hope more Estonians connect with their homeland and even better move back home, bringing new experiences with them. Elagu Eesti!
My parents left Eestii during WW2, was born in France, moved to US when I was 6, lived here since then. Visited Eestii two years ago. Got of the plane it was like getting home. Stayed for ten days, had to return home. My life is in the US, but part of my heart will always be in Eestii. Even my art shows that.
I’m with you since I left Eesti when I was 4 years old, but my heart is still in Eesti and have been back 8 times. Now I have written a book with all the feelings, memories, and stories told me, which had been locked up in my heart and in my minds. So many people have told me how my book brought them back to their memories. They have told me that instead of telling the worst facts of the war though, I brought out in my book a different and emotional view of a child during those and better times. It also took me back behind the Iron Curtain to finally meet my father in 1968 and made me realize what had been done to our people and our beloved Eesti. If you’re interested in my book, “Shattered Lives”, please contact me at . You won’t regret it. As a matter of fact I had an article in the Estonian World some years back. Maie Currie
I left when I was 2 and had my first chance to return in 1970 = I LOVED having relatives, but the Soviet iron fist was strong. living in Australia means I’ve been back only 4 times since 1970 – but what a change now. The Estonians are finally their own people again.
Hello everybody, my mother was born in Pärnu and she came to Argentina with her family during WW2. My father didn’t speak estonian so my mother always considered that speaking to me in a language that my father couldn’t understand was disrespectful… I’ve been always very sorry about not having the oportunity to learn estonian and here in Argentina there is no Embassy or Consulate, and no estonian language courses at all 🙁 … I hope someday I can finally learn this language so I can have some of my roots back again…
There is a website.
My father too was from Parnu. Same time, same reasons… Roman Meindok and his brother Harry Meindok. My aunt, Dagmar Meindok, did not leave. Do those names seem familiar to your mom?
How I would love this. I am NOT in my twenties however. I am a first generation American-Estonian. I will visit my family there in 2017 so I will live my roots. I shall also declare my right as an Estonian citizen. I am so excited!!! I am so sad my father died before he could ever go home again… There is Estonian dirt upon his grave in TEXAS. I have lived life for this and I cannot believe I am so close to being there. I may never leave.
To Meindok – That is exactly how I felt when I went back to meet my father for the first time as an adult in 1968. I just published a book, “Shattered Lives” at the end of last year and mailed a copy of it to a Dorothy Meindok in Illinois just a few days ago. Is that a relative of yours? You can get the book from only me by emailing me at indicating that and I will tell you how much and where to send your check. Maie Currie
I would like to send you a very private story that kind of connects my mother‘s family with the Meindok name.
Please send me the email address I can use.
Please do. Since pandemic I have moved back to Texas. Please feel free to email me