Gallery: Estonia receives the first batch of combat vehicles CV90

The Estonian Defence Forces has received a dozen Swedish-made infantry vehicles CV90, bought from the Netherlands. In late 2014, the Estonian government decided to buy 44 CV90 combat vehicles from the Netherlands, in what has been so far the largest defence procurement project ever for the country, at USD171 million. The vehicles were previously used […]

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The US and the Baltics reaffirm their strategic alliance

On the occasion of US Vice President Joe Biden’s visit to Latvia, the United States, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania released a declaration, reaffirming the four countries’ strategic alliance and commitment to cooperation to ensure the security and stability of the region. “Faced with an unpredictable security environment, we commit to deepening our cooperation and our

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JBANC: the ironclad leadership of the US in NATO is critically important

The Joint Baltic American National Committee, Inc. (JBANC) is very concerned with recent misguided statements related to the United States’ commitment to upholding NATO treaty agreements. As a nonpartisan organisation, JBANC believes in and advocates for robust transatlantic relations between the United States and the Baltic countries of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. We stand firm

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Donald Trump speaking at a rally in Fountain Hills, Arizona, in March 2016. Courtesy: Gage Skidmore/Wikipedia

“President” Trump wouldn’t automatically rush to NATO allies’ aid

If the New York businessman Donald Trump, who tonight is to accept the Republican nomination for president, would be elected in November, he wouldn’t automatically rush to NATO allies’ aid, he said in an interview. In an interview with the New York Times, published on Wednesday, Trump questioned whether he, as president, would automatically extend

“President” Trump wouldn’t automatically rush to NATO allies’ aid Read More »

NATO approves the deployment of four battalions to the Baltics and Poland

The NATO summit held in Warsaw, Poland, officially approved the deployment of four multinational battalions to Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland to help deter any potential Russian threat to the region. According to the alliance’s plan, the United Kingdom is to send security enforcement to Estonia, the United States to Poland, Germany to Lithuania and

NATO approves the deployment of four battalions to the Baltics and Poland Read More »

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