Silver Tambur

Silver Tambur is the cofounder and publisher of Estonian World. He has previously studied journalism at the University of Tartu, and politics and society at the Birkbeck College, University of London. Silver has been the editor at the Estonian Public Broadcasting’s news service in English, as well as contributing for the Business Sense magazine in the UK, Deutsche Welle and Radio New Zealand. You can also follow him on Twitter and like his page on Facebook. You can write to Silver at

Top 10 inventions developed in the Estonian universities

The best universities in Estonia have not only produced many smart people, but also smart products and useful tools.* The University of Tartu is now among the top two per cent of the world’s universities, and the highest ranked in the Baltic states. Similarly, the Tallinn University of Technology, whose alumni include world-class startup entrepreneurs, has ranked among […]

Top 10 inventions developed in the Estonian universities Read More »

Happy ending: soldiers keep a lost moose calf entertained in the Estonian forest

The soldiers of the Estonian Defence Forces befriended a lost moose calf in a forest and kept its company; it later reunited with its mother. A group of Estonian soldiers were on an annual military exercise, Siil 2018 (Hedgehog 2018), when one evening, they came across to a lost moose calf. As is evident from

Happy ending: soldiers keep a lost moose calf entertained in the Estonian forest Read More »

Liisi Esse: Estonia has a strong reputation as a tech leader in Silicon Valley

Liisi Esse, an associate curator for Estonian and Baltic Studies at Stanford University, says that Estonia has a strong reputation as a tech leader in Silicon Valley and the number of people who do not know anything about Estonia is surprisingly small. Estonian World caught up with Liisi Esse, the main organiser behind the 2018

Liisi Esse: Estonia has a strong reputation as a tech leader in Silicon Valley Read More »

The first robot student admitted to the University of Tartu

A new kind of student has arrived at the University of Tartu, Estonia’s best-known university – a robot called Pepper. Produced by a Japanese company, SoftBank, and owned by the Estonian firm, AS Hansab, the humanoid robot’s key function is to offer companionship to people. Previously, Pepper had been busy welcoming guests at the Estonian

The first robot student admitted to the University of Tartu Read More »

The majority of the Estonian youth say inequality is an essential topic

Nearly 2,000 young people in Estonia contributed to the development of the new EU Youth Strategy, highlighting the need for the community to focus more on equal treatment, the consequences of actions on the internet and the mental health of youth. According to the EU Youth Strategy’s survey, the Estonian youth have experienced unequal treatment

The majority of the Estonian youth say inequality is an essential topic Read More »

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