Silver Tambur

Silver Tambur is the cofounder and publisher of Estonian World. He has previously studied journalism at the University of Tartu, and politics and society at the Birkbeck College, University of London. Silver has been the editor at the Estonian Public Broadcasting’s news service in English, as well as contributing for the Business Sense magazine in the UK, Deutsche Welle and Radio New Zealand. You can also follow him on Twitter and like his page on Facebook. You can write to Silver at

A mission to translate Marie Under – Estonia’s most influential poet – into English

A mission to translate the work of Estonia’s most influential poet into English is underway. While Estonia has recently become internationally better known for its technological achievements, it has been somewhat slower in showcasing its cultural heritage. Arvo Pärt may well be one of the most performed living composers in the world, but there are […]

A mission to translate Marie Under – Estonia’s most influential poet – into English Read More »

Estonian MEP Indrek Tarand: We need innovation and idealism, not institutionalism

Indrek Tarand is an Estonian politician and a member of the European Parliament. Born into a politically and socially active family (his father Andres Tarand served as Prime Minister of Estonia in 1994-95 and his mother Mari Tarand is a well-known linguist), Tarand studied history at the University of Tartu and as a student during the Soviet occupation, he was

Estonian MEP Indrek Tarand: We need innovation and idealism, not institutionalism Read More »

Global Estonians: business professional Karin Nemec (Shanghai, China)

2,400 years ago the philosopher Socrates claimed: “I am not an Athenian or a Greek, but a citizen of the world (kosmopolitês).” In 1937 Ernest Hemingway wrote in his novel To Have and Have Not: “In every port in the world, at least two Estonians can be found.” Under our Global Estonians feature we talk to

Global Estonians: business professional Karin Nemec (Shanghai, China) Read More »

Robbie Williams to test the new promotion campaign for Estonia

Robbie Williams’ concert in Tallinn on 20 August to be filmed and screened across the world, forming a part of the new promotion campaign for Estonia. British pop group Take That had just released its debut single “Do What U Like” when Estonia restored its independence on 20 August 1991 after decades of Soviet occupation.

Robbie Williams to test the new promotion campaign for Estonia Read More »

Start-up Spotlight: Toggl

Tallinn-based tech start-up Toggl is an online time tracking tool, which is popular with freelancers, groups, and small companies. It allows people to track the time they spend on various projects. It’s internet-based and can be up and running from scratch in less than a minute. Toggl has more than 450,000 registered users and around

Start-up Spotlight: Toggl Read More »

ESTO 2013 in San Francisco: a new start for an old tradition?

The international ESTO festival was originally started by Estonian expats who had escaped their homeland during the WW2. Their goal was to connect Estonians in foreign countries and to preserve Estonian culture and language. The first ESTO took place in Toronto, Canada in 1972, followed by four-year intervals in different cities around the world, such

ESTO 2013 in San Francisco: a new start for an old tradition? Read More »

Estonians popping up in Uganda – the story of Pop Up Kampala (video)

One would not expect to find an Estonian-run café in East Africa. Yet, it turns out that there is at least one — Pop Up Café in Kampala, Uganda. A cafeteria with a small garden in Ntinda area of Kampala, where people can enjoy self-roasted coffee and delicious meals. But what makes this place more unique is the

Estonians popping up in Uganda – the story of Pop Up Kampala (video) Read More »

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