Sten Hankewitz

Sten Hankewitz is a lifelong journalist and the Executive Editor at Estonian World. Having lived in Estonia, Spain, the UK and all around the US, he now resides in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. He loves to write and besides working at Estonian World, he writes books and contributes to other outlets. He has strong convictions and shows them unashamedly. You can follow Sten on Threads, X and Facebook. You can also email him.

Estonian-Americans award Steve Jürvetson for outstanding achievements

The Estonian-American National Council (EANC) is to present the entrepreneur, Steve Jürvetson, with the 2016 Outstanding Achievement Award. The Outstanding Achievement Award recognises Jürvetson’s many successes in the realm of venture capital investment, where he was an early investor in Hotmail, Tesla, and of course, in Estonia’s own Skype, the EANC said in a statement. […]

Estonian-Americans award Steve Jürvetson for outstanding achievements Read More »

Estonian-American mother-daughter team awarded for promoting Estonian folk dance

The Estonian American National Council has chosen the mother-daughter team of Lehti Merilo and Liina Merilo Teose as recipients of its 2016 Outstanding Achievement award in recognition for their work in promoting and preserving Estonian folk dance and music. Lehti Merilo and Liina Teose will be honored at the EANC’s awards gala on 5 November

Estonian-American mother-daughter team awarded for promoting Estonian folk dance Read More »

Estonian-founded Pipedrive is the 14th fastest growing software company in the US

The Estonian-founded tech company, Pipedrive, is, according to the Inc. magazine, the 14th fastest growing software company in the United States. The New York-based company is, according to the 2016 Inc. 5000 rankings, also the 19th fastest-growing private company in New York City. Pipedrive was founded in 2010 and it develops a customer relationship management

Estonian-founded Pipedrive is the 14th fastest growing software company in the US Read More »

Estonian war film “1944” released in the UK on DVD

The Estonian war film, “1944”, has been released in the UK with English subtitles and is available on Amazon. The film is available to all other European countries through the Amazon UK website, For the European market, the movie’s titled, “1944: Forced to Fight”. “1944”, written by Leo Kunnas and directed by Elmo Nüganen,

Estonian war film “1944” released in the UK on DVD Read More »

Eastern Europeans in America support US commitment to NATO

The Central and East European Coalition (CEEC), representing more than 20 million Central and Eastern European Americans, strongly backs the United States’ continued unconditional commitment to upholding the NATO Treaty as well as US support for the territorial integrity and sovereignty of all Central and Eastern European nations. “Our organisation stands firm in its belief

Eastern Europeans in America support US commitment to NATO Read More »

Estonia to assemble memorial to the victims of communism

The Estonian state real estate management company has chosen the design “Journey” (“Teekond” in Estonian) as the future memorial to the victims of communism and officers of Estonia. The winner of the design competition was chosen by Riigi Kinnisvara AS (RKAS, the state real estate management agency) in cooperation with the ministry of justice, the

Estonia to assemble memorial to the victims of communism Read More »

Estonia ranks first in the Freedom House democratic development index

Among 29 post-communist nations, Estonia ranks first in democratic development in an index compiled by Freedom House, a US-based human rights organisation. Estonia is followed in the index by Slovenia, Latvia and the Czech Republic. Lithuania ranks fifth, Poland sixth and Slovakia seventh. The countries in the index, called “Nations in Transit”, are rated on

Estonia ranks first in the Freedom House democratic development index Read More »

Donald Trump speaking at a rally in Fountain Hills, Arizona, in March 2016. Courtesy: Gage Skidmore/Wikipedia

“President” Trump wouldn’t automatically rush to NATO allies’ aid

If the New York businessman Donald Trump, who tonight is to accept the Republican nomination for president, would be elected in November, he wouldn’t automatically rush to NATO allies’ aid, he said in an interview. In an interview with the New York Times, published on Wednesday, Trump questioned whether he, as president, would automatically extend

“President” Trump wouldn’t automatically rush to NATO allies’ aid Read More »

Barclays: Estonia and South Korea lead in digital empowerment

According to the Barclays Digital Development Index, Estonia and South Korea are joint global leaders in digital empowerment among ten countries that were selected based on different criteria to represent a broad spectrum. According to Barclays, a British banking corporation, the index “is an effort to shift public debate in the UK and elsewhere from

Barclays: Estonia and South Korea lead in digital empowerment Read More »

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