Sten Hankewitz

Sten Hankewitz is a lifelong journalist and the Executive Editor at Estonian World. Having lived in Estonia, Spain, the UK and all around the US, he now resides in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. He loves to write and besides working at Estonian World, he writes books and contributes to other outlets. He has strong convictions and shows them unashamedly. You can follow Sten on Threads, X and Facebook. You can also email him.

The UK to send warships and troops to help defend the Baltics

The United Kingdom is going to send five warships to the Baltics to help defend NATO’s eastern flank; the country will also contribute troops to a new 6,000-strong NATO force. Michael Fallon, the UK defence secretary, said that increasing the country’s NATO contributions will send a strong message “to our enemies that we’re ready to […]

The UK to send warships and troops to help defend the Baltics Read More »

Foreign ambassadors urge Estonia to do more about the HIV epidemic

The American, British and Finnish ambassadors to Estonia urge the parliament to do more about the spread of HIV in the country, saying the situation of the epidemic is “gravely concerning”. The US ambassador, James D Melville, Jr, the British ambassador, Chris Holtby, and the Finnish ambassador, Kristi Narinen, have written an open letter to

Foreign ambassadors urge Estonia to do more about the HIV epidemic Read More »

Estonian clean-up initiative aims to engage 150 countries in 2018

The Estonian global clean-up initiative, Let’s Do It! World, aims to bring together 150 countries all over the world for a massive waste clean-up on 8 September 2018; to kickstart the event, the organisers have launched a crowdfunding campaign. “With our crowdfunding campaign, we’re taking the first real step to make this big plan a

Estonian clean-up initiative aims to engage 150 countries in 2018 Read More »

Estonia scores ninth in the world by economic freedom

Estonia has scored ninth in the world by economic freedom in the Heritage Foundation’s 2016 Index of Economic Freedom; compared with the last year, Estonia has dropped by one place. The Heritage Foundation, a Washington-based think tank, says in its report that the Estonian economy continues to benefit from the government’s strong commitment to economic

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Think tank: NATO cannot currently successfully defend Estonia

At the moment, NATO cannot successfully defend the territory of its most exposed members, including Estonia, RAND Corporation, a global policy think tank, says in its recent analysis. The think tank analysed a series of wargames conducted in the Baltics between the summer of 2014 and the spring of 2015, and concluded that as “currently

Think tank: NATO cannot currently successfully defend Estonia Read More »

Estonia 23rd in the Corruption Perceptions Index 2015

Estonia has been listed as 23rd in the Corruption Perceptions Index 2015 by Transparency International, an organisation dedicated to uprooting corruption worldwide. Estonia has steadily improved its score in the past few years. Estonia’s 2015 score, which indicates the perceived level of public sector corruption on a scale of 0 (highly corrupt) to 100 (very

Estonia 23rd in the Corruption Perceptions Index 2015 Read More »

Estonia 19th in the Forbes Best Countries for Business list

Estonia has come 19th in this year’s Best Countries for Business list, compiled by the Forbes magazine, ahead of such economic giants as the United States, Japan and Israel, but behind its neighbours of Finland, Lithuania and Sweden. Forbes points out that the current Estonian government “has followed sound fiscal policies that have resulted in

Estonia 19th in the Forbes Best Countries for Business list Read More »

Estonia 16th in the World Bank’s ease of doing business index

Estonia has ranked 16th in the World Bank’s ease of doing business index, placing right after Germany and before Ireland. The ease of doing business index is topped by Singapore, which is, in turn, followed by New Zealand and Denmark. South Korea ranks fourth and Hong Kong fifth. In the World Bank’s index, economies are

Estonia 16th in the World Bank’s ease of doing business index Read More »

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