Global Estonians

Map: Estonians in England and Wales – how many really are there?

In April 2013, Labour MP and shadow immigration minister Chris Bryant courted controversy when he slammed businesses in his South Wales constituency for “hiring Estonians and Latvians” instead of the local population. “It would be nice sometimes when you go into a British hotel if the receptionist was British,” was the remark that drew most

Map: Estonians in England and Wales – how many really are there? Read More »

Global Estonians: media businesswoman Kadri Bennett (Denver, US)

Kadri Bennett lives in Denver, Colorado, in the US. She has lived in States for eight years, has four children with her American husband and currently runs her media business with him.   Kadri, what made you leave Estonia and how did you end up in the US? After  graduating from the University of Tallinn, I wanted to

Global Estonians: media businesswoman Kadri Bennett (Denver, US) Read More »

Helen with one of the first books she wrote, "Pasodoble".

Andalusian-Estonian author Helen Eelrand: Living in Spain has opened me up

Over four years ago, in March 2009, then an author-to-be Helen Eelrand decided to make a major life change. After having worked a lifetime in the Estonian media, she took her husband and two daughters (her adult son decided to remain in Estonia) and moved to Spain. Let’s be honest, not many people are capable

Andalusian-Estonian author Helen Eelrand: Living in Spain has opened me up Read More »

EstDocs 2013: showcasing new filmmaking talent and binding diaspora Estonians

EstDocs 2013, the annual Estonian documentary film festival and competition in Toronto, has come to its conclusion. Already in its 9th year, the festival drew in over 1,500 audience members to witness Estonian filmmaking talent, old and new, on the big screen in venues across the city. The Jury Award went to Heilika Pikkov’s “Flowers

EstDocs 2013: showcasing new filmmaking talent and binding diaspora Estonians Read More »

Viido Polikarpus – The Estonian-American “Rambo”, painter and solar power advocate

Having lived most of his life abroad, Viido Polikarpus returned to Estonia, the land of his ancestors, when he was 49 years old. He had been an officer in the US Special Forces and, as he says, “one of the first trained suicide bombers without knowing it”, but true happiness he found only in Estonia.

Viido Polikarpus – The Estonian-American “Rambo”, painter and solar power advocate Read More »

Global Estonians: Master’s student Anita Luik (Odense, Denmark)

Anita Luik is currently finishing her masters degree in contemporary Middle East studies in the University of Southern Denmark. Although at the moment living in one of the oldest cities in Denmark, Odense, she has also briefly lived in Israel and gained an insight into everyday Muslim life and Islamic customs. She has done research

Global Estonians: Master’s student Anita Luik (Odense, Denmark) Read More »

Global Estonians: business professional Karin Nemec (Shanghai, China)

2,400 years ago the philosopher Socrates claimed: “I am not an Athenian or a Greek, but a citizen of the world (kosmopolitês).” In 1937 Ernest Hemingway wrote in his novel To Have and Have Not: “In every port in the world, at least two Estonians can be found.” Under our Global Estonians feature we talk to

Global Estonians: business professional Karin Nemec (Shanghai, China) Read More »

ESTO 2013 in San Francisco: a new start for an old tradition?

The international ESTO festival was originally started by Estonian expats who had escaped their homeland during the WW2. Their goal was to connect Estonians in foreign countries and to preserve Estonian culture and language. The first ESTO took place in Toronto, Canada in 1972, followed by four-year intervals in different cities around the world, such

ESTO 2013 in San Francisco: a new start for an old tradition? Read More »

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