Global Estonians

Philippe Legrain: “People should be free to live, work and fall in love wherever they please”

In an interview with Estonian World, writer and policy adviser Philippe Legrain says people’s fears of immigration from outside the European Union are mostly just irrational emotions based on “fear of the other”; he points out that for Estonia, migration would be a natural way to tackle problems with jobs that Estonians don’t want to […]

Philippe Legrain: “People should be free to live, work and fall in love wherever they please” Read More »

Leen and Siimon Rampe – Estonian film ambassadors in Australia

Leen Rampe (née Võrno) and Siimon Rampe are a wife-husband team passionate about Estonian film. They have run monthly film sessions called KiNO! nights at the Sydney Estonian Cultural House for over a year now and finished 2012 off with an Estonian Film Festival in Australia. Leen has a Master’s degree in Scenography from the

Leen and Siimon Rampe – Estonian film ambassadors in Australia Read More »

Jüri Reinvere: “Only through dialogue can we find out how the others see and understand us, as a person, or as a nation”

Estonian World spoke to composer Jüri Reinvere in Berlin to talk about his experiences, creativity, European culture and Estonian identity. Jüri Reinvere is an Estonian composer living in Berlin. His latest work, the opera “Purge”, based on Sofi Oksanen´s famous novel, premiered in Finnish National Opera in April 2012. He is currently writing his next

Jüri Reinvere: “Only through dialogue can we find out how the others see and understand us, as a person, or as a nation” Read More »

Global Estonians: blogger and entrepreneur Janek Fiume (Sicily, Italy)

Hi Janek, where are you based and how long have you been there? My family and I are based in Terrasini. It’s a small village (7000 regular inhabitants) in the region of Palermo which is the capital of Sicily. Terrasini is situated about 35 kilometres to north – west from Palermo, near Punta Raisi airport.

Global Estonians: blogger and entrepreneur Janek Fiume (Sicily, Italy) Read More »

Global Estonians: fashion designer Evelyn Toomistu-Banani (Frankfurt, Germany)

Evelyn Toomistu-Banani is a fashion designer, based in Germany. Hi Evelyn, where are you based and how long have you been there? I live with my family in Frankfurt,Germany – and have been here for over 5 years. What made you to choose Frankfurt? For some reason I was dreaming to either study or live

Global Estonians: fashion designer Evelyn Toomistu-Banani (Frankfurt, Germany) Read More »

Global Estonians: singer-songwriter Liis Hirvoja (London/UK)

2,400 years ago the philosopher Socrates claimed: “I am not an Athenian or a Greek, but a citizen of the world (kosmopolitês).” In 1937 Ernest Hemingway wrote in his novel To Have and Have Not: “In every port in the world, at least two Estonians can be found.”  Fast forward to AD 2012 and new webzine EstonianWorld is

Global Estonians: singer-songwriter Liis Hirvoja (London/UK) Read More »

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