Silver Tambur

Silver Tambur is the cofounder and publisher of Estonian World. He has previously studied journalism at the University of Tartu, and politics and society at the Birkbeck College, University of London. Silver has been the editor at the Estonian Public Broadcasting’s news service in English, as well as contributing for the Business Sense magazine in the UK, Deutsche Welle and Radio New Zealand. You can also follow him on Twitter and like his page on Facebook. You can write to Silver at

Tõnu Kaljuste wins a Grammy in the Best Choral Performance category for his work on Arvo Pärt’s “Adam’s Lament”!

Estonian conductor Tõnu Kaljuste has won a Grammy Award in the Best Choral Performance category for his work on composer Arvo Pärt’s album “Adam’s Lament” at the 56th Annual Grammy Awards in Los Angeles. “Adam’s Lament” was recorded with the Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir, the Sinfonietta Riga, the Tallinn Chamber Orchestra, the Latvian Radio Choir and the […]

Tõnu Kaljuste wins a Grammy in the Best Choral Performance category for his work on Arvo Pärt’s “Adam’s Lament”! Read More »

Global trends and technology to look out for in 2014 – #estonianmafia’s pick

We asked Estonian startup entrepreneurs and others related to the phenomenon otherwise known as #estonianmafia, what global trends and technology are they personally looking forward to in 2014? This is what they came up with, in no particular order. I Kristo Käärmann – CEO, Transferwise Something to follow in payments/finance inspired by Bitcoin. More results

Global trends and technology to look out for in 2014 – #estonianmafia’s pick Read More »

Global Estonians: filmmaker Katrin Laur (Cologne, Germany)

For the “Global Estonians” feature, we have usually interviewed people who have left Estonia in the last 10-15 years, after the country regained independence and the “iron curtain” was lifted. Katrin Laur is an exception – she’s among the relatively few who managed to leave the then-Soviet Estonia in 1982. Katrin is a filmmaker and

Global Estonians: filmmaker Katrin Laur (Cologne, Germany) Read More »

Estonian literary classic Truth and Justice to be published in English

An Estonian literary classic, Anton Hansen Tammsaare’s “Truth and Justice” is going to be published in English for the first time. While Estonia has in the last few years become internationally better known for its musical heritage, its literature is almost unheard of – simply because so little has been published in English, the most

Estonian literary classic Truth and Justice to be published in English Read More »

American-Estonian couple opens a café named after Alo Mattiisen in Phoenix, Arizona

An American-Estonian couple, Steve Martinez and Hilja Hõlpus Martinez, has opened a little internet coffee house in the Phoenix suburb of Scottsdale, Arizona, USA. Called Alo café, it is named after the famous Estonian composer during the Singing Revolution, Alo Mattiisen. Both of Estonian heritage, but born in the US, it is a new challenge for

American-Estonian couple opens a café named after Alo Mattiisen in Phoenix, Arizona Read More »

Estonia to have the world’s highest pyramids by 2030

An Estonian architecture firm and a local council are planning to use chippings from an oil-shale quarry to build the largest pyramids in the world in Aidu, North-Eastern Estonia by 2030. The ancient Egyptians built most of the pyramids as tombs for pharaohs and their consorts. The pharaohs were buried in pyramids of many different shapes and sizes.

Estonia to have the world’s highest pyramids by 2030 Read More »

Estonia to be represented at EXPO 2015 world fair by “Gallery of ___” (video)

Estonia will be represented at the EXPO 2015 world fair in Milan by “Gallery of ___”, designed by the Tallinn-based architecture firm Kadarik & Tüür. EXPO is an international exhibition held every five years in different cities around the world and showcases the progress made by the attending countries. Fourteen entries were submitted to the concept,

Estonia to be represented at EXPO 2015 world fair by “Gallery of ___” (video) Read More »

Global Estonians: media businesswoman Kadri Bennett (Denver, US)

Kadri Bennett lives in Denver, Colorado, in the US. She has lived in States for eight years, has four children with her American husband and currently runs her media business with him.   Kadri, what made you leave Estonia and how did you end up in the US? After  graduating from the University of Tallinn, I wanted to

Global Estonians: media businesswoman Kadri Bennett (Denver, US) Read More »

Tahe Outdoors becomes one of the biggest manufacturers of water sports equipment in Europe

An Estonian-owned manufacturer of water sports equipment, Tahe Outdoors, already the market leader in canoes and kayaks in Scandinavia, has bought Egalis, the biggest producer of paddles in Europe. The purchase of the French factory makes the company one of the biggest manufacturers of water sports equipment in Europe. Kayaks were originally developed by the Eskimos

Tahe Outdoors becomes one of the biggest manufacturers of water sports equipment in Europe Read More »

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