Sten Hankewitz

Sten Hankewitz is a lifelong journalist and the Executive Editor at Estonian World. Having lived in Estonia, Spain, the UK and all around the US, he now resides in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. He loves to write and besides working at Estonian World, he writes books and contributes to other outlets. He has strong convictions and shows them unashamedly. You can follow Sten on Threads, X and Facebook. You can also email him.

Estonians in the UK: Britain looking to reach an agreement on EU citizens’ rights

The prime minister of the United Kingdom, Theresa May, said at a meeting with her Estonian colleague, Jüri Ratas, that she wanted to reach an agreement on EU citizens’ rights in the UK as quickly as possible. The prime ministers, meeting in London on 18 July, discussed the fact that the United Kingdom was on

Estonians in the UK: Britain looking to reach an agreement on EU citizens’ rights Read More »

Study: Estonia has one of the most effective public sectors in the world

Estonia has one of the most effective public sectors in the world, according to the International Civil Service Effectiveness Index, compiled by the UK’s Blavatnik School of Government and the Institute for Government. The index, compiled for the first time this year, is a new initiative to help countries determine how their central civil services

Study: Estonia has one of the most effective public sectors in the world Read More »

Estonia seventh in the yearly Russia’s “enemies” list

Estonia has “improved” its standing as one of the most important “enemies” of Russia, having positioned seventh in 2017 – two notches up from last year. The friends and enemies’ lists are compiled every year by the Levada Centre polling agency and are based on public opinion. The poll asks respondents to name five countries

Estonia seventh in the yearly Russia’s “enemies” list Read More »

Survey: almost half of Estonians fear a military conflict in the country

According to a recent survey, 45% of Estonians are afraid of a military conflict on the country’s soil – which is 12% higher than in 2015. The survey, conducted by the Estonian insurance company, Ergo, and a Latvian pollster, SKDS, also concluded that 46% of Estonians worry about potential ethnic conflicts and 52% fear economic

Survey: almost half of Estonians fear a military conflict in the country Read More »

Russia holds “anti-terrorist” drills at the Estonian and Latvian borders

Russia is holding what it calls an “anti-terrorist” airborne military drill at its border with Estonia and Latvia that involves 2,500 troops and 500 units of equipment. The large-scale drills that started on 5 July in the Pskov region are, according to the deputy commander of the Russian airborne forces, Lieutenant General Nikolai Ignatov, the

Russia holds “anti-terrorist” drills at the Estonian and Latvian borders Read More »

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