
Kristjan Lepik: How British companies can manage their EU business with Estonian e-residency

There seems to be some angst and uncertainty in London about what is going to happen in the post-Brexit world. What will be the conditions of Brexit? How many smart people will leave? How much will the economy be affected? Let’s talk about how the Estonian e-residency can help. When a truck with the slogan, […]

Kristjan Lepik: How British companies can manage their EU business with Estonian e-residency Read More »

The Estonian e-residency programme joins an ambitious global e-commerce initiative

Estonia’s state-founded e-residency programme has joined the new international initiative, called “eTrade for All”, that brings international organisations, donors and businesses under one umbrella, easing developing country access to cutting-edge technical assistance and giving donors more options for funding. The initiative was launched on 18 July at the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) in

The Estonian e-residency programme joins an ambitious global e-commerce initiative Read More »

Axelle Lemaire

French digital affairs minister: Estonia is a small state that became bigger, thanks to its choice of being a digital country

Axelle Lemaire, the French minister responsible for her country’s digital affairs, visited the Estonian capital as a guest of the Tallinn e-Governance Conference, and discussed with Estonian World the entrepreneurship and startup culture in respective countries and what could a large country like France pick up from Estonia. The Estonian ICT Week, taking place in late May/early June,

French digital affairs minister: Estonia is a small state that became bigger, thanks to its choice of being a digital country Read More »

American fintech company integrates Estonian e-residency into its technology

An American digital back office provider for online private securities platforms, Crowd Valley, is to develop and extend its offering through its collaboration with the Estonian e-residency platform, allowing those with the Estonian digital ID to quickly and securely authenticate themselves or digitally sign in the private securities platforms supported by the company. According to

American fintech company integrates Estonian e-residency into its technology Read More »

Estonia hits the 10,000 e-resident milestone

This week Manu Sporny, the CEO of a US-based company called Digital Bazaar, became the 10,000th e-resident of Estonia after picking up his e-resident’s card from the country’s embassy in Washington, DC. Although he’s never physically visited Estonia, Sporny has followed the country’s e-residency initiative, which aims to build a borderless digital society, since the

Estonia hits the 10,000 e-resident milestone Read More »

Draft law allows to open an Estonian bank account without going to a branch

The Estonian government has approved and is going to forward to the parliament a draft legislation that will allow Estonian residents and also e-residents to open a bank account without having to go to a bank branch. “We would like to keep up with the times and make opening a bank account simpler and faster,

Draft law allows to open an Estonian bank account without going to a branch Read More »

Donald Trump becomes an Estonian e-resident

The controversial American presidential candidate, Donald Trump, has applied and been granted Estonian e-residency, Estonian World can exclusively reveal.* Trump’s interest about the e-residency was sparked after a successful covert operation by the Estonian secret service ESSAD, its agent, who asked anonymity, disclosed to Estonian World. Despite the property mogul’s contentious image and his offensive

Donald Trump becomes an Estonian e-resident Read More »

E-residency enables Nasdaq Tallinn-listed companies’ shareholders to e-vote

The shareholders of companies listed on Nasdaq’s Tallinn Stock Exchange can soon start voting in shareholder meetings using e-voting through Estonia’s e-residency platform. As part of the programme’s pilot, shareholders who are Estonian or Estonian e-residents will be able to participate in the corporate governance of companies more conveniently, Nasdaq said in a statement. The

E-residency enables Nasdaq Tallinn-listed companies’ shareholders to e-vote Read More »

Japan to implement ID cards following Estonia’s example

Japan is the first large country who is going to implement a digital personal identification card, following Estonia’s example. The step was announced on 23 October, following a meeting between the Estonian Prime Minister, Taavi Rõivas, and the Japanese Finance Minister, Akira Amari, who visited Estonia to get acquainted with Estonian e-services. The two ministers

Japan to implement ID cards following Estonia’s example Read More »

Alec Ross: Estonia is entrepreneur-friendly – like the United States

Alec Ross was a key player in forming the tech and innovation strategy for the campaign of now-US President Barack Obama in 2008, and served as then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s senior advisor for Innovation. Isabel Hirama of the Estonian startup, Jobbatical, sat down with Ross in Washington, DC, to hear his thoughts on how

Alec Ross: Estonia is entrepreneur-friendly – like the United States Read More »

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