Estonians in Australia

Sir Arvi Parbo, an Estonian-Australian mining entrepreneur and a knight – obituary

Sir Arvi Parbo, one of Australia’s most well-known and recognised mining entrepreneurs, and probably the only knighted Estonian, died on 1 May at the age of 93 in Melbourne, Australia. The Australian newspaper, Financial Review, calls Parbo “one of corporate Australia’s most significant figures”. “Sir Arvi Parbo will be fondly remembered as the most influential

Sir Arvi Parbo, an Estonian-Australian mining entrepreneur and a knight – obituary Read More »

For Estonian refugees, a masthead made a new home, half a world away

Estonians fleeing the aftermath of the Second World War and the Soviet occupation found their voice in Australia via a newspaper that continues to this day; Silvi Vann-Wall reports on Meie Kodu (Our Home) and the community it continues to serve.* In the tumultuous time after the Second World War, and throughout the Soviet occupation of their tiny country,

For Estonian refugees, a masthead made a new home, half a world away Read More »

Beebi Boomers – the children of fate

Andres Simonson writes about the Beebi Boomers – the children born in the United States, Canada, Australia, Sweden and other countries to native Estonian political refugees who fled the Soviet invasion and the illegal occupation of their fatherland.* In the war-torn Estonia of 1944, two families from disparate parts of the country make a most difficult decision. With a

Beebi Boomers – the children of fate Read More »

An Estonian arts and culture festival to open in Melbourne

Estonia is set to celebrate its twenty–fifth international arts and culture festival in Melbourne, Australia, 28-31 December. Eesti Päevad – the Estonian Days – is a bi-annual festival marked by the Estonian Australians who gather to share traditional craft skills, celebrate artistic endeavours, as well as enjoy a mix of sports and food events. The

An Estonian arts and culture festival to open in Melbourne Read More »

Estonians taking on the world in Brisbane: where we are at and where we have come from

Estonians are certainly making an impact on and their presence felt in Australia. The way in which Estonians integrate into an existing culture without forgetting their roots has made them welcome citizens in the “land down under”. Waves of Estonians have hit Australian shores with every recession and crisis in Europe and Estonian blood flows

Estonians taking on the world in Brisbane: where we are at and where we have come from Read More »

Estonia participates in the Brisbane Scandinavian Days for the first time

The Estonian community of Brisbane will participate in the local Scandinavian Festival on 14 September. Bringing together the local clubs of Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Estonia and Iceland, the Scandinavian festival brings many cultural and entertaining offerings to celebrate everything Nordic. A range of Estonian food and drink will be available, organised by the Brisbane

Estonia participates in the Brisbane Scandinavian Days for the first time Read More »

Estonian communities around the world: keeping the flag flying in Sydney

Australia hosts the fifth largest Estonian community in the world. Among the Estonians currently living in Australia, the Sydney community is the liveliest one. The first Estonians settled in Australia in 1853, and the first Estonian society was established in Melbourne in 1914. During the course of the Second World War, Australia became one of

Estonian communities around the world: keeping the flag flying in Sydney Read More »

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