Silver Tambur

Silver Tambur is the cofounder and publisher of Estonian World. He has previously studied journalism at the University of Tartu, and politics and society at the Birkbeck College, University of London. Silver has been the editor at the Estonian Public Broadcasting’s news service in English, as well as contributing for the Business Sense magazine in the UK, Deutsche Welle and Radio New Zealand. You can also follow him on Twitter and like his page on Facebook. You can write to Silver at

Estonia tops the global internet freedom chart

The Freedom on the Net 2016 index, compiled by Freedom House, has ranked Estonia first in the world. The Freedom House report, one of the most authoritative reports in the field, investigated 65 geographically dispersed and politically diverse countries, and ranked them according to obstacles to access, limits on content and violations of user rights. These results

Estonia tops the global internet freedom chart Read More »

Cyprus to implement the Estonian model of electronic identity

The e-Governance Academy of Estonia and the presidency of Cyprus have signed a cooperation agreement to develop an electronic identity concept and implement a digital signature solution in Cyprus. Experts from the e-Governance Academy will advise the Cypriot government about the electronic identity and describe the technical solution. “We have a full scope of experience

Cyprus to implement the Estonian model of electronic identity Read More »

The EstDocs film festival returns to Toronto

EstDocs, the film festival featuring top documentary filmmaking talent from Estonia and around the world, offers screenings in the expat-heavy city of Toronto. For already the twelfth year in a row, Toronto is hosting EstDocs – an audience festival and juried competition featuring films that have a connection to Estonia. The roster of documentary makers featured in the

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Expats corner: Carlos Ivan Vargas, attracted to Estonia by a digital society

In “Expats corner”, we catch up with foreign-born residents who have made Estonia their home, to find out what they really think of the country. Carlos Ivan Vargas is the president of the Mexican Talent Network in Estonia. Carlos Ivan Vargas is an energetic and a tech-savvy doctorate student from Mexico City. Apart from studying, he works

Expats corner: Carlos Ivan Vargas, attracted to Estonia by a digital society Read More »

Tallinn Airport voted third best in Europe, ninth best in the world

According to the airport guide, Sleeping in Airports, Lennart Meri Tallinn Airport is the third best airport in Europe and the ninth best in the world, based on the overall experience determined by travellers who had taken the site’s 2016 airport survey. In the annual survey, the guide asked travellers to rate airports worldwide based

Tallinn Airport voted third best in Europe, ninth best in the world Read More »

Former European auditor Kersti Kaljulaid elected president of Estonia

The former state official of Estonia, Kersti Kaljulaid, was on Monday elected president of the country in the parliament, Riigikogu. The sole candidate, 81 MPs out of 101 cast their votes in her support. Kaljulaid will serve as the first female president of Estonia. Kaljulaid, a former member of the European Court of Auditors, was a non-partisan

Former European auditor Kersti Kaljulaid elected president of Estonia Read More »

Estonia submits Kadri Kõusaar’s “Mother” for the foreign language Oscar consideration

Estonia has selected Kadri Kõusaar’s film “Mother” as the country’s submission for the foreign language Academy Award. Inspired by the radio series Coma – made by Irish filmmaker Kevin McCann – Kõusaar’s darkly comic thriller “Mother” centres on a woman whose adult son is in a coma after a shooting. The woman must face the locals of

Estonia submits Kadri Kõusaar’s “Mother” for the foreign language Oscar consideration Read More »

Estonia is Europe’s largest exporter of wooden houses

The Estonian wooden houses industry is the most successful exporter in Europe; and the seventh largest overall. According to Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union, the export of Estonia’s wooden houses increased by 20,2% in 2015, growing from EUR238 million in 2014 to EUR286 million in 2015. This made Estonia the most successful

Estonia is Europe’s largest exporter of wooden houses Read More »

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