
News and features about Estonia and Estonians

Video: Your body is not a temple – an Estonian clip encourages people to get out there and move

An Estonian production company, Ö&Q Studio, has created a video called “Your body is not a temple”, a short clip to inspire people to get out there and move. “People were adapted to be physically active. The average hunter-gatherer walked nine to 15 kilometres every day, but today a typical Westerner walks less than a half a […]

Video: Your body is not a temple – an Estonian clip encourages people to get out there and move Read More »

LIVE: 7,000 people attend the “Friendly Estonia” concert in Tallinn

Almost 7,000 people attended the concert at Tallinn’s Freedom Square on Sunday, 6 September, in support of a tolerant and an open-minded Estonia. You can watch the entire concert here again. The marathon concert, which span over seven hours, saw over 20 artists entertaining crowds and 19 ethnic cuisines, some of the best in the

LIVE: 7,000 people attend the “Friendly Estonia” concert in Tallinn Read More »

Estonian-founded Let’s Do It! World held in Afghanistan despite deadly attacks

Over 9,000 people took part in a waste clean-up action in Afghanistan recently. The cleanup action was organised in ten provinces, including Kabul, which witnessed three terrifying suicide attacks just a day before. “We had three deadly suicide attacks on 7 August in Kabul, the capital. More than 40 people were killed and around 400

Estonian-founded Let’s Do It! World held in Afghanistan despite deadly attacks Read More »

Estonian citizens’ initiative shows solidarity for an open society

Amid a state of panic about Syrian and African refugees, a new movement, called “Friendly Estonia”, aims to encourage Estonia to remain open-minded country that embraces diversity. The effort to make a difference in the mindset of Estonians will start with a massive gathering at Freedom Square in Tallinn, the country’s capital on Sunday, 6

Estonian citizens’ initiative shows solidarity for an open society Read More »

Video: In Estonia, extreme swinging does not mean a sexual practice…

The extreme form of Estonian swinging has developed into a sport, called kiiking. Invented by Ado Kosk in the 1990s, kiiking derives from the Estonian language word kiik, which means “swing”. Swinging has been a part of the Estonian village culture for hundreds of years. It has entertained the young and the old and people have swung

Video: In Estonia, extreme swinging does not mean a sexual practice… Read More »

75 years since the US refusal to accept the annexation of Estonia

On 23 July 1940, the United States’ acting Secretary of State, Sumner Welles, issued a declaration that condemned the Soviet Union’s aggression against Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. It became to be known as the Welles Declaration and for the next 51 years, it formed the basis for the American refusal to recognise the Soviet occupation

75 years since the US refusal to accept the annexation of Estonia Read More »

Life in Estonia at the outset of the Second World War and the occupation

An eyewitness account of life in Estonia at the beginning of 50 years of Soviet occupation in June 1940 – Estonia’s darkest hour. When World War Two broke out in September 1939, no-one could have imagined the horrific consequences it would have for Estonia and its people. At the start of the war, Estonia had declared

Life in Estonia at the outset of the Second World War and the occupation Read More »

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