
Estonian education and science

The developing IT-industry invites talents to stay in Tartu

Entrepreneurs and former master’s students, Carlos Paniagua from Guatemala and Chris Willmore from California, chose to settle in Tartu, the second largest town in Estonia. This article is published in collaboration with Research in Estonia and Study in Estonia. Both Paniagua and Willmore got their software engineering master’s degrees from the Institute of Computer Science, the University of […]

The developing IT-industry invites talents to stay in Tartu Read More »

Estonian professor Ülo Niinemets analyses the role of plants in climate change

The basement of the Estonian University of Life Sciences is full of secrets. Some mysterious rooms hide miniature botanical gardens full of plants from all over the world. Amid these plants, one of the youngest academicians in Estonia, professor Ülo Niinemets, and his international research group are looking for answers to very important questions –

Estonian professor Ülo Niinemets analyses the role of plants in climate change Read More »

PISA study: the Estonian basic education is the best in Europe

According to the Programme for International Student Assessment, a premier global metric for education, compiled by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, the results of Estonian 15-year-olds are the best in Europe and among the strongest in the entire world. The PISA study of 2015 concentrated on natural sciences and also tested pupils in

PISA study: the Estonian basic education is the best in Europe Read More »

Estonian scientists are developing a helmet device for emergency diagnosis of traumatic brain injury

The scientists of Tallinn University of Technology have worked on a research project for two years to develop a portable device for detection of traumatic brain injury. The device could be used in ambulances for early detection and treatment of traumatic brain injury to prevent subsequent serious health problems, the university said. According to Henrik

Estonian scientists are developing a helmet device for emergency diagnosis of traumatic brain injury Read More »

Estonia’s primary education system ranks eighth in the world

According to the World Economic Forum Global Competitiveness Report, Estonia’s primary education system ranks eighth in the world. The Global Competitiveness Report looks at data on different areas in almost every country on earth and then compiles the data into a picture of the economy for those countries. Then, they are ranked according to the

Estonia’s primary education system ranks eighth in the world Read More »

Scientist Mart Min enjoys seeing results working in real life

Estonian scientist Mart Min, born in 1943, is a multifaceted man. He started his career in the electronics industry as an engineer but soon united engineering and science, which has brought him to participate in working out a solution for pacemakers and creating a euro coin identification machine. This article is published in collaboration with

Scientist Mart Min enjoys seeing results working in real life Read More »

The Cambridge Baltic Conference 2016 to focus on technology and governance

The Cambridge Baltic Conference, organised by the Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian societies of the University of Cambridge, will bring together leaders in politics, science and business with students and young professionals. Organised since 2013, the annual Cambridge Baltic Conference includes speeches, workshops and presentations along with ample opportunities for networking. This year, the topic of

The Cambridge Baltic Conference 2016 to focus on technology and governance Read More »

Tartu University achieves a new record in the world rankings

According to one of the most important higher education lists, the QS World University Rankings, the University of Tartu (UT) now holds the highest position ever. The university’s position in the ranking has improved from 501 in 2012 to 347 in 2016. In the process of preparing the ranking list, the QS takes into account a survey

Tartu University achieves a new record in the world rankings Read More »

Honey and bees win Estonian students a prize in China

The students from the University of Tartu (UT) won the first place at the international innovation competition in China with their idea about creating an innovative environmental indicator based on the analysis of the chemical composition of honey; their idea also promoted keeping bees in urban environments. The doctoral students of the School of Economics

Honey and bees win Estonian students a prize in China Read More »

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