Silver Tambur

Silver Tambur is the cofounder and publisher of Estonian World. He has previously studied journalism at the University of Tartu, and politics and society at the Birkbeck College, University of London. Silver has been the editor at the Estonian Public Broadcasting’s news service in English, as well as contributing for the Business Sense magazine in the UK, Deutsche Welle and Radio New Zealand. You can also follow him on Twitter and like his page on Facebook. You can write to Silver at

Tallinn competes for the title of the most intelligent community in the world

Back in January we were the first Estonian media channel to report that Tallinn was named as one of the seven most intelligent city communities in the world by the New York-based Intelligent Community Forum. June 07 is the day to find out whether it has become the most intelligent one. Tallinners – and surely most of Estonians […]

Tallinn competes for the title of the most intelligent community in the world Read More »

British-Estonian political columnist Abdul Turay: “A Jamaican is culturally more similar to an Englishman than an Estonian.”

Abdul Turay is a British-Estonian political columnist working for Estonia’s leading national newspaper Postimees. After living and working in Estonia for so many years, he published his first book “Väike Valge Riik” (“A Small White Nation”) in December 2012 (the English version is due this fall). The book deals with issues relating to Estonia’s fast

British-Estonian political columnist Abdul Turay: “A Jamaican is culturally more similar to an Englishman than an Estonian.” Read More »

What can others learn from Estonian entrepreneurs – lessons from Europe’s startup capital

Despite having a population of just 1,300,000 – just a sixth the size of London’s – the tiny Nordic country of Estonia has more business start-ups per head than any other country in Europe. So what can other aspiring European entrepreneurs learn from their successful counterparts to the North? It’s hard to imagine the British

What can others learn from Estonian entrepreneurs – lessons from Europe’s startup capital Read More »

Is the London-based money transfer firm TransferWise the next big thing to come out from Estonia?

Europas – Europe’s equivalent of  Tech Startup Oscars – took  place in Berlin on Tuesday evening with over 1,000 guests gathering to celebrate the best of the continent’s tech entrepreneurship. Estonian-owned TransferWise was among them and didn’t come away empty-handed. Among the audience were two young, London-based Estonian startuppers – Taavet Hinrikus and Kristo Käärmann

Is the London-based money transfer firm TransferWise the next big thing to come out from Estonia? Read More »

Estonia’s Friends International Meeting: That’s what friends are for

The Estonia’s Friends International Meeting is a joint initiative launched by Enterprise Estonia, Estonian businessman and entrepreneur Mr Margus Reinsalu and President of Estonia Mr Toomas Hendrik Ilves to thank and recognise business, political and cultural figures whose actions and advice have helped Estonia to become a truly European country with a dynamic economy and thriving culture. The first Estonia’s

Estonia’s Friends International Meeting: That’s what friends are for Read More »

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