
News and features about Estonia and Estonians

Canada’s “Forest University”: connecting to what is intrinsically Estonian

Canada’s “Forest University” – “Metsaülikool” in Estonian – is a cultural phenomenon. Find out how this year’s theme of spiritual health deeply touched the participants’ souls. I knew the “Metsaülikool” (MÜ) magic had begun when Sirje Kiin came bustling determinedly toward me, wrapped in a big towel, on her way to the lake. “Come! I’m

Canada’s “Forest University”: connecting to what is intrinsically Estonian Read More »

PICTURES: New Estonian ambassador presents his credentials to The Queen

His Excellency Mr Lauri Bambus presented his Letters of Credence to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II at Buckingham Palace on his appointment as the Estonian Ambassador to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland on 19 November 2014. The Ambassador and his wife were accompanied by the members of the diplomatic staff, including

PICTURES: New Estonian ambassador presents his credentials to The Queen Read More »

Estonians join Scandinavians at the London Christmas fair

For the second year in a row, the Estonian Christmas fair joins up with the Scandinavian Christmas Market in London. The market is supported by a range of Estonian food and drink companies, including the biggest and oldest confectionery company, Kalev; the food and wine producer, Põltsamaa Felix; spirits maker Liviko; and many more. Natural

Estonians join Scandinavians at the London Christmas fair Read More »

Estonia for Ukraine: fundraising concerts raise over €200,000

The charity concerts held in Estonia last week raised money to buy first-aid kits for Ukraine, as well as a piano for the children of Sloviansk. When the phone call came in September, Olena Syzonova, the assistant director of a fine arts school in the southern Ukrainian city of Sloviansk, thought it was a joke. Then she broke into

Estonia for Ukraine: fundraising concerts raise over €200,000 Read More »

VIDEO goodie from Estonia: As I began to love myself

The video was inspired by Charlie Chaplin’s kind words of wisdom and love on his 70th birthday. Mixed with amazing scenes from Estonian nature, as created by Estonian inspiration facilitator Harald Lepisk and videographer Armin Mitt, the result is mesmerising. As I began to love myself I found that anguish and emotional suffering are only warning

VIDEO goodie from Estonia: As I began to love myself Read More »

An etude to Tallinn

Katharina Sowa from Germany fell in love with Tallinn and Estonia few years ago. Nowhere in the world around can ever such a place be found, she says now. I have always tried to escape my homeland and I have got fulfilment in travelling. Being of Polish descent and having a mum who lived and

An etude to Tallinn Read More »

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