
News and features about Estonia and Estonians

Silent and slow Estonians, emotional and fast Russians

What happens when an Estonian and a Russian meet up? The Estonian remains silent and listens to the Russian, no matter whether the latter comes from Tallinn or Saint Petersburg. Still, both Estonians and Russians value wisdom, amiability, and sociability in their conversation partners. By Piret Pappel These are the stereotypes Estonians, as well as

Silent and slow Estonians, emotional and fast Russians Read More »

The Cambridge Baltic Conference — connecting leaders

The Cambridge Baltic Conference, due to take place on October 12, will bring together leaders in politics, science and business with students and young professionals. Notable speakers include former Prime Minister of Estonia and Vice-President of the European Commission Siim Kallas, former President of Lithuania Valdas Adamkus and International Editor of The Economist Edward Lucas.

The Cambridge Baltic Conference — connecting leaders Read More »

A journey to Estonia (Film by Deutsche Welle)

In 1999, Deutsche Welle, Germany’s international broadcaster, sent camera crews to countries formerly oppressed by the Soviet Union to get acquainted with and introduce the candidates for accession to the European Union. They wanted to find out what hopes the people had for their countries’ EU membership and how they expected it to affect their own lives.

A journey to Estonia (Film by Deutsche Welle) Read More »

Estonia as a metaphor

Estonia. A small northerly precious Baltic gem, with beautiful scenery that would indelibly astonish you; picturesque coastal villages, woods, meadows, lakes, islands, and beautiful blond maidens… This is the package in one of the smallest countries in Europe. Metaphorically speaking, a visit to Estonia will leave you a moment of that first encounter with a

Estonia as a metaphor Read More »

ESTO 2013 in San Francisco: a new start for an old tradition?

The international ESTO festival was originally started by Estonian expats who had escaped their homeland during the WW2. Their goal was to connect Estonians in foreign countries and to preserve Estonian culture and language. The first ESTO took place in Toronto, Canada in 1972, followed by four-year intervals in different cities around the world, such

ESTO 2013 in San Francisco: a new start for an old tradition? Read More »

Photobook project “The Ordinary Estonian” attempts to create an authentic image of present day Estonians

Please meet Helen Ree, a professional photographer who has been living in Zürich for four years, and Karin Nemec, a former manager in the Estonian finance sector who currently lives in Shanghai with her young daughter — the co-ordinators of the photobook project on Estonians, called “Harilik Eestlane – The Ordinary Estonian”. The photobook will introduce Estonians to the

Photobook project “The Ordinary Estonian” attempts to create an authentic image of present day Estonians Read More »

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