
News and features about Estonia and Estonians

Nature’s silence speaks volumes in Estonia – spring in Soomaa

A Tallinn-based British expat Claire Millard learned to appreciate bogs and boulders in Estonia. I admit it, I underestimated bogs. When I first researched Estonia I was somewhat taken aback by the tourist information efforts to sell bogs and boulders as highlights of the country. Bogs conjure images of muddy Welshmen snorkelling through drainage ditches as

Nature’s silence speaks volumes in Estonia – spring in Soomaa Read More »

The story behind the translation of Tammsaare’s Truth and Justice

Lisa Trei, the daughter of the late Alan Trei – one of the translators of Estonian writer Anton Hansen Tammsaare’s book Truth and Justice into English – explains how the translation came to life. Since regaining independence in 1991, Estonia has attracted international acclaim in many spheres, but notably in high-tech with the invention of

The story behind the translation of Tammsaare’s Truth and Justice Read More »

The 10 most photographed spots in Estonia (pictures)

Using crowdsourcing, the Estonian-founded lists the most photographed places in any country of the world. Based on the number of Panoramio photos taken at each place in the world and Foursquare check-ins, it estimates the sightseeing popularity of each spot. These are the top 10 most photographed places in Estonia, according to Sightsmap (click

The 10 most photographed spots in Estonia (pictures) Read More »

IOC adds wife-carrying to the 2016 summer Olympics, boosting Estonia’s chances of winning more gold medals

In a boon to Estonia’s chances for capturing Olympic gold, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) has announced the addition of wife-carrying to the 2016 summer Olympics schedule. The backbreaking race will join other time-honoured events, including water polo, badminton and trampoline. A team sport, wife-carrying simply consists of a male competitor carrying a female competitor

IOC adds wife-carrying to the 2016 summer Olympics, boosting Estonia’s chances of winning more gold medals Read More »

Estonian wisdom – 25 proverbs and sayings

A proverb is a simple and concrete saying, popularly known and repeated, that expresses a truth based on common sense or the practical experience, often metaphorically. Proverbs also encapsulate society’s values and beliefs. We have collected 25 Estonian proverbs and sayings and have also included the original expression in Estonian. Most of these are traditional, going back in

Estonian wisdom – 25 proverbs and sayings Read More »

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